Jim 0216, I wasn't the one who split the Church up saying that the Jews are handled differently by God than this re-definition of "the Church". It is the Darby crowd that rejects millennia of orthodoxy and declares by fiat that "the church" doesn't have as its members Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Sarah and the pre-Pentacost saints of God.
The body of Christ has been chugging along just fine having our long-time academic contests over the sacraments, soteriology, church government, ecclesiology, and numbers of angels dancing in confined spaces.
What is downright embarassing is having the Evangelicals looking at every earthquake, troop movement and political leader whose name can be creatively enumerated into 666 going on-line and claiming that this regurgitated pagan rite of beseeching the Oracle is somehow Christian, and is absolutely "prophesized in Scripture". So a generation ago, Gog was the Soviet Union, recently it is Iran, once it was considered the UK, now it is alternatively Turkey or Russia, depends on which Oracle you consult.
I truly appreciate and respect Star Traveler identifying this brand of teaching as within the domain of Evangelicalism. As long as Evangelicals recognize and admit that their teaching is way off the ranch in terms of millennia of orthodoxy, then y'all can do what you want.
I was sanctified out of Dispensationalism; the LORD, as promised to His Elect will surely do the same for others within His flock.
Well God bless you on your journey with Him.