Maybe this guy’s Muslim friend can answer a question of mine.
If Mohammed (or however they’re spelling it today) is really a prophet and has a direct link to God and therefore truth, why did Mohammed implement a system of abrogation in the Koran?
That system of abrogation means that if after Mohammed died (which he did die and from which he did not return) if another inspired Muslim came along and wrote something for the Koran that conflicted with something already in the Koran, then that latest addition is “the truth.”
This is the same tactic that lying politicians use when they are campaigning. During one speech, they’ll say they support tax cuts. At another they’ll say they support tax increases (on the rich or some similar cajoling phrase). Then, when they are elected and they push a policy, they have all bases covered. “But I told you I supported raising taxes on those filthy rich. I’m just now defining “rich” as anyone who earns over 10K a year.”
That abrogation was built into the Koran proves it is not based on truth and that it was intended to provide cover for a gang as that gang went through changing societies. And what sort of person looks at a foundational document as a “living, breathing document” that needs to “evolve” with society? Those who want to have the POWER to manipulate what has been considered the highest standard FOR THEIR OWN INCREASED POWER AND SELF-GLORY.
If Islam were ever true (which it is not, because “Truth” does not change or evolve or adapt to suit a particular set of mores), it is now based upon the lies of subsequent contributors to the Koran.
Enjoyed your reasoning, ty !
The abrogation in the Koran doesn’t even date from after muhammad’s death. He was changing things as the situation on the ground changed in his favor. In the early days he was talking about mutual respect and living in harmony with other religions. As muslims gained power, it quickly changed to killing the infidel and dhimmitude for Christians and Jews.