The trinity is a simple concept. The claim is that there are 3 persons in one. A person, or the person is the individual sentient, rational being that is machinery independent. The machinery is the brain and body which serve to provide for the functions of sentience, rationality and interactions with the physical world.
The essence of the person is contained in the spirit, which is a non-physical instance of the person. In order for there to be an actual physical instance of the person, there must be some machinery that provides for the functions of spirit. That machinery is the body. In order for that spirit to have a real instance of person in more than one world, 2 in this case, there must be 2 bodies.
Trinity: The essence of person, the sentient rational being and the 2 real instances of that person in the 2 worlds provided for by the physical machinery of body.
Trinity is required for logical consisteny with the claims contained in the Bible and is consistent with the statement in Gen 1:26, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."
"that God died and sits on his own right hand. "
Who can be God's right hand man, other than God Himself?
Gal 3:20 Now a mediator is not [a mediator] of one, but God is one.
In case an explanation is needed, there is only one true God and God is only one. Not two. Not three. God is one.