Sure. Be nice to each other. Do no harm. Recognize that everyone is a citizen of this earth. Respect and consideration go a long way. We could have a world without fear or wars. It's a matter of choice. It's not that we can't make this world a paradise, we don't want to.
Man takes the responsibility for what happens after this. Christ comes to redeem him from the wreckage he creates
Was man's fall according to God's will or not? Are you sauggesting that God does not exercise control over things but is forced to "fix" things? It is a very unhappy God you are describing.
Christ comes to redeem him from the wreckage he creates. Man accepts or rejects the divine sacrifice. That's what Judgment Day is all about
If you do something right, you don't have to constantly fix it.
So, I'm really looking forward to seeing your plans for "a better human future."
What future? I am talking this life, here and now. That's what matters. If you are good in this life you won't have to worry about the next life or the Judgment Day. Yes, we can have a better world, if we choose to. Humans don't have to be inhuman. But they choose to be.
On what basis can such an expectation rest, dear kosta? There is nothing in human history that would seem to support such a sanguine claim.
Plus what is this business about some unspecified "we" possibly not wanting to make the world a paradise?
But since you've made the claim, please tell us: What is your programme for making "this world a paradise?"
You're just saying this because it's true.