We aren’t reborn through reconciliation but we become closer to Christ by choosing to no longer separate ourselves from Him with our sin and our guilt. Every time we go to confession we are making a firm amendment to follow Christ wholeheartedly.
All the sacraments are REAL encounters with Christ.
Excellent tagline.
One thing that drove me out of the Protestant milieu was the unceasing arrogance of thinking that everyone who didn’t espouse their particular interpretation of the Faith - whatever the denomination - must be going straight to hell. Sorry, but God is the judge of our souls, not other humans. HUMILITY OF FAITH seems to be missing here.
God didn’t create these Christian divisions...WE did. On Judgement Day I highly doubt He’s going to say all the Catholics go over here, all the Baptists go over here, etc, etc. EACH person will be judged individually by the content of their hearts and their personal fidelity to the Faith given to them.
I can only shake my head at all of this, and think that the Muslims must be just laughing at us, knowing we’re too preoccupied to watch them overrun the West.