I will however let this final article stand so that anti-ProtestantISM issues can be discussed to balance against all the threads where anti-CatholicISM issues are being discussed.
Huh? "all the threads..."
I don't find there to be more "anti-Catholicism" threads than "anti-Protestantism" threads. Far from it, but maybe I've just missed them.
I've just posted a thread that discusses what the term "anti-Catholic" means. As that article explains, sometimes Roman Catholics take any questioning of their faith and practices as "anti-Catholic." Apparently "to disagree with" is the same as "hateful bigotry."
ROFL!!! Suuuuuuure it does. From the anti-Catholic bigot POV.
I have been on no anti-cath or anti-prot threads
This thread ,and any like it, however, violate the standards as sted when new relig mod took over a while back. We were told that no articles with intentionally provocative titles would stand, that they would just lead to foodfights. That’s still true