Why do we have to have all the royal line traced throughout the bible from Adam on down, with a long genealogy of dozens of humans if Mary is the only one that matters? Does God just like to ramble on?
Jesus is referred derisively as “Son of Mary” by the pharisees. They hit the nail on the head with this one, too. A king of this world they would have hailed; it is the “son of Mary” that consternated them. Part of the Plan.
Why all the genealogy? Why, because they are the fact, for one thing. The Kingship of Jesus is also the fact. Nothing in the Queenship of Mary takes away these centuries of God-seeking that the Jews labored through. The Plan of Salvation is sometimes also called the Economy of Salvation. This is a bit unsettling for us because we understand economy as banking and shopping. But the word really means Rule of the House. The Plan of Salvation is not instantaneous — if it were, God could have pardoned the mankind right with Abel. It is rather, like building a house, basement to roof. We had to go through the Flood, the Captivity, the Passover, the dynasties, the apostasies, the two temples to get to that morning in Nazareth. This is why the two Gospels that tell of the Incarnation start with the genealogy: to tell us that this is a cosmic event they are set out to tell.