Good answer. Is your answer personal or official?
I am not competent to give an official answer. But I'll bet a dime no official would call me on it.
I'm thinking maybe you are thinking of the whole heretic barbecue thing. I don't know what to say about that except to say we tend to discourage that these days. And usually it was done by the secular folks, with admittedly varying levels of support from the ecclesiastical folks.
Then there's excommunication, as Bishop Tobin of the Church of Providence recently did to that Kennedy thug, and as many of us wish would be done to Stretch Pelousy. Excommunication is, I believe, usually thought of as "medicinal." Of course, in the extremer cases, it is done to protect the Church by making very clear that the behavior or teaching in question is a grave wrong.
But also, we hold that to receive the Blessed Sacrament while on is in a state of mortal sin is perilous. So IF somebody like Stretch has been told by competent authority more than once that she is misrepresenting Catholic thought and doing and supporting stuff that is REALLY bad,
IF she persists, now advisedly, in the doing and the teaching,
THEN for HER good, somebody, some bishop somewhere with something resembling a spine (but, it would have to be HER bishop, really, and I suppose she "belongs" to San Francisco) has got to say, "Stretch, honey, no sacrament for you until you straighten up and show me you've straightened up.
I think part of the problem with actually doing this is that there are priests who wouldn't mind defying their bishop and supporting Stretch. So it comes down to how big a fight the bishop is ready to have.
IMHO the longer the bishops dither, the more they seem to say to the moral heretics that it's really okay. That's unfair to them and IMHO bad pastoring.
But it's not my job so I don't know all the issues.