I’m going to wish you a Merry Christmas and get back to my work not because I disagree be because I need to get this done so I can enjoy the football games later.
Merry Christmas to you too. My team won their bowl game and I am happy for that. Hope your team wins.
All the other questions I would answer if you wanted. For example, the notion that salvation is assured is true, but we also know that we grow as Christians when we come together as a community.
As for the hypocritical nature of the church, it is important to delineate between the Chruch (body of Christ) and church (man made institution). Seeing all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23), it would be impossible to have a perfect church. But this does not mean that in grace we strive to serve God and foresake earthy desires.
Being a classically trained and life long Lutheran, I would point to the truth that "It is by grace that your are saved through faith, and not the work of your hand.:
If you wanted to delve deeper, I would cite the Pauline scripture that summs up the human condition: That which I wish I did, I do not, and that wish I wish i did not, I do...for the spirit is willing but the flesh is week.
Finally, I would point out the most central truth of my faith: John 1 -- In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God, and the Word was with God, and the Spirit hovered upon the waters...And the Words was made flesh, and came to dwell among us full of grace and truth. John 3:16 God so loved the world that he gave His only Son that whosever believes in HIm shall not perish but have life eternal...and then I would invite you to attend church with me...