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The Perils of Celibacy: Clerical Celibacy and Marriage in Early Protestant Perspective
Social Science Research Network ^ | John Witte Jr

Posted on 12/14/2009 11:06:25 AM PST by the_conscience

The current battles over clerical celibacy are nothing new. When mandatory celibacy was first universally imposed on the clergy a millennium ago, clergy and laity alike broke into riotous rebellion for more than two generations, and a good number of bishops and priests flouted these laws for several generations more. When the Protestant Reformation broke out half a millennium ago, clerical celibacy and marriage were among the most bitter grievances over which the Western Church ultimately splintered. Today, the exposures of child abuse by some enterprising Catholic priests has rejoined these ancient battles within Catholicism and between Catholics and Protestants -- and triggered all manner of media exposes, private law suits, and criminal prosecutions.

In this Lecture, I would like to revisit the original Protestant case against clerical celibacy and for clerical marriage in its sixteenth century Lutheran Reformation context. I shall then draw out a few implications of the significance of these historical battles for the theology and law of clerical celibacy and marriage today.

The Case of Johann Apel

In good lawyerly fashion, let's begin with a concrete case. Our case comes from 1523. This is six years after Luther posted his 95 Theses, three years after Luther’s excommunication from the Church, and two years after the Diet of Worms. Luther is back in Wittenberg from the Wartburg Castle. The Lutheran Reformation is gaining real revolutionary momentum in Germany and beyond.

Our case involves a priest and lawyer named Johann Apel. Apel was born and raised in Nuernberg, an important German city, still faithful to Rome at the time of the case. In 1514, Apel enrolled for theological studies at the brand new University of Wittenberg, where he had passing acquaintance with a new professor of theology there, an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther. In 1516, Apel went to the University of Leipzig for legal studies. He was awarded the doctorate of canon law and civil law in 1519. After a brief apprenticeship, Apel took holy orders and swore the requisite oath of clerical celibacy.

One of the strong prince-bishops of the day, Conrad, the Bishop of Wuerzburg and Duke of Francken, appointed Apel as a cathedral canon in 1523. Conrad also licensed Apel as an advocate in all courts in his domain. Apel settled into his pastoral and legal duties.

Shortly after his clerical appointment, Apel began romancing a nun at the nearby St. Marr cloister. (Her name is not revealed in the records.) The couple saw each other secretly for several weeks. They carried on a brisk correspondence. They began a torrid romance.

She apparently became pregnant. Ultimately, the nun forsook the cloister and her vows and secretly moved in with Apel. A few weeks later, they were secretly married and cohabited openly as a married couple. This was an outrage. Clerical concubinage was one thing. The records show that at least three other priests in Conrad’s diocese kept concubines and paid Conrad the standard concubinage tax for that privilege. Earlier that very same year of 1523, another priest had fathered a child and paid the Bishop the standard cradle tax and oblated the infant in the very same St. Marr’s cloister that Mrs. Apel had just forsaken. Clerical concubinage and even fatherhood were known and were tolerated by some obliging bishops of the day. But clerical marriage? That was an outrage, particularly when it involved both a priest and a nun -- a prima facie case of double spiritual incest. Upon hearing of Apel's enterprising, Bishop Conrad annulled the marriage and admonished Apel to confess his sin, to return his putative wife to her cloister, and to resume his clerical duties. Apel refused, insisting that his marriage, though secretly contracted, was valid. Unconvinced, the Bishop indicted Apel for a canon law crime and temporarily suspended him from office. Apel offered a spirited defense of his conduct in a frank letter to the Bishop.

Bishop Conrad, in response, had Apel indicted in his own bishop’s court, for breach of holy orders and the oath of celibacy, and for defiance of his episcopal dispensation and injunction. In a written response, Apel adduced conscience and Scripture in his defense, much like Luther had done two years before at the Diet of Worms. "I have sought only to follow the dictates of conscience and the Gospel," Apel insisted, not to defy episcopal authority and canon law. Scripture and conscience condone marriage for fit adults as "a dispensation and remedy against lust and fornication." My wife and I have availed ourselves of these godly gifts and entered and consummated our marriage "in chasteness and love."

Contrary to Scripture, Apel continued, the church's canon law commands celibacy for clerics and monastics. This introduces all manner of impurity among them. "Don’t you see the fornication and the concubinage” in your bishopric, Apel implored Conrad. “Don’t you see the defilement and the adultery ... with brothers spilling their seed upon the ground, upon each other, and upon many a maiden whether single or married." My alleged sin and crime of breaking "this little man-made rule of celibacy," Apel insisted, "is very slight when compared to these sins of fornication” which you, “excellent father,” “cover and condone if the payment is high enough.” "The Word of the Lord is what will judge between you and me," Apel declared to the Bishop, and such Word commands my acquittal.

Bishop Conrad took the case under advisement. Apel took his cause to the budding Lutheran community. He sought support for his claims from Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Martin Bucer, and other Evangelical leaders who had already spoken against celibacy and monasticism. He published his remarks at trial adorned with a robust preface by Martin Luther, and an instant best seller.

Shortly after publication of the tract, Bishop Conrad had Apel arrested and put in the tower, pending further proceedings. Apel's family pleaded in vain with the Bishop to release him. The local civil magistrate twice mandated that Apel be released. Jurists and councilmen wrote letters of support. Even Emperor Charles V sent a brief letter urging the Bishop not to protract Apel's harsh imprisonment in violation of imperial law, but to try him and release him if found innocent.

Apel was finally tried. He was found guilty of several violations of the canon law and of heretically participating in "Luther's damned teachings." He was defrocked and was excommunicated and evicted from the community. Thereafter Apel made his way to Wittenberg where, at the urging of Luther and others, he was appointed to the law faculty at the University. Two years later, Apel served as one of the four witnesses to the marriage of ex-monk Martin Luther to ex-nun Katherine von Bora.

This was a sensational, but not an atypical, case in Reformation Germany in the 1520s. Among the earliest Protestant leaders were ex-priests and ex-monastics who had forsaken their orders and vows, and often married shortly thereafter. Indeed, one of the acts of solidarity with the new Protestant cause was to marry or divorce in open violation of the Church's canon law and in open contempt of episcopal instruction. As the church courts began to prosecute these offenses of its canon law, Protestant theologians and jurists rose to the defense of their budding co-religionists. Classic Arguments for Clerical Celibacy Bishop Conrad's position in the Apel case was in full compliance with the prevailing Catholic theology and canon law of marriage and celibacy.

Prior to the sixteenth century, the Church regarded marriage as “a duty for the sound and a remedy for the sick,” in St. Augustine’s famous phrase. Marriage was a creation of God allowing man and woman to "be fruitful and multiply." Since the fall into sin, marriage had also become a remedy for lust, a channel to direct one's natural passion to the service of the community and the Church. When contracted between Christians, marriage was also a sacrament, a symbol of the indissoluble union between Christ and His Church. As a sacrament, marriage fell within the social hierarchy of the Church and was subject to its jurisdiction, its legal power.

The Church did not regard marriage as its most exalted estate, however. Though a sacrament and a sound way of Christian living, marriage was not considered to be so spiritually edifying. Marriage was a remedy for sin, not a recipe for righteousness. Marriage was considered subordinate to celibacy, propagation less virtuous than contemplation, marital love less wholesome than spiritual love. Clerics, monastics, and other servants of the church were to forgo marriage as a condition for service. Those who could not were not worthy of the Church's holy orders and offices.

This prohibition on marriage, first universally imposed on clerics and monastics by the First Lateran Council of 1123, was defended with a whole arsenal of complex arguments.

The most common arguments were based on St. Paul’s statements in I Corinthians 7. In this famous passage, Paul did allow that it was better to marry than to burn with lust. But Paul also said that it was better to remain single than to marry or remarry. “It is well for a man not to touch a woman,” he wrote. For those who are married “will have worldly troubles.” It is best for you to remain without marriage “to secure your undivided attention to the Lord.” These biblical passages, heavily glossed by the early Church Fathers, provided endless medieval commentaries and commendations of celibacy. They were buttressed by newly discovered classical Greek and Roman writings extolling celibacy for the contemplative as well as by the growing medieval celebration of the virginity of Mary as a model for pious Christian living.

Various philosophical arguments underscored the superiority of the celibate clergy to the married laity. It was a commonplace of medieval philosophy to describe God's creation as hierarchical in structure -- a vast chain of being emanating from God and descending through various levels and layers of reality down to the smallest particulars. In this great chain of being, each creature found its place and its purpose. Each institution found its natural order and hierarchy. It was thus simply the nature of things that some persons and institutions were higher on this chain of being, some lower. It was the nature of things that some were closer and had more ready access to God, and some were further away and in need of mediation in their relationship with God. Readers of Dante’s Divine Comedy will recognize this chain of being theory at work in Dante’s vast hierarchies of hell, purgatory, and paradise. Students of medieval political theory will recognize this same theory at work in the many arguments of the superiority of the spiritual sword to the temporal sword, of the pope to the emperor, of the church to the state.

This chain of being theory was one basis for medieval arguments for the superiority of the clergy to the laity. Clergy were simply higher on this chain of being, laity lower. The clergy were called to higher spiritual activities in the realm of grace, the laity to lower temporal activities in the realm of nature. The clergy were thus distinct from the laity in their dress, in their language and in their livings. They were exempt from earthly obligations, such as paying civil taxes or serving in the military. They were immune from the jurisdiction of civil courts. And they were foreclosed from the natural activities of the laity, such as those of sex, marriage, and family life. These natural, corporal activities were literally beneath the clergy in ontological status and thus formally foreclosed. For a cleric or monastic to marry or to have sex was thus in a real sense to act against nature (contra naturam).

The Lutheran Position on Celibacy and Marriage Johann Apel’s arguments with Bishop Conrad anticipated a good deal of the Lutheran critique of this traditional teaching of marriage and celibacy. Like their Catholic brethren, the Lutheran reformers taught that marriage was created by God for the procreation of children and for the protection of couples from sexual sin. But, unlike their Catholic brethren, the reformers rejected the subordination of marriage to celibacy. We are all sinful creatures, Luther and his followers argued. Lust has pervaded the conscience of everyone. Marriage is not just an option, it is a necessity for sinful humanity. For without it, a person's distorted sexuality becomes a force capable of overthrowing the most devout conscience. A person is enticed by nature to concubinage, prostitution, masturbation, voyeurism, and sundry other sinful acts. “You cannot be without a [spouse] and remain without sin,” Luther thundered from his Wittenberg pulpit. You will “test your neighbor’s bed” unless your own bed is happily occupied and used.

“To spurn marriage is to act against God’s calling ... and against nature’s urging,” Luther continued. The calling of marriage should be declined only by those who have received God's special gift of continence. "Such persons are rare, not one in a thousand [later he said one hundred thousand] for they are a special miracle of God." The Apostle Paul has identified this group as the permanently impotent and the eunuchs; very few others can claim such a unique gift.

This understanding of marriage as a protection against sin undergirded the reformers' bitter attack on traditional rules of mandatory celibacy. To require celibacy of clerics, monks, and nuns, the reformers believed, was beyond the authority of the church and ultimately a source of great sin. Celibacy was a gift for God to give, not a duty for the church to impose.

It was for each individual, not for the church, to decide whether he or she had received this gift. By demanding monastic vows of chastity and clerical vows of celibacy, the church was seen to be intruding on Christian freedom and contradicting Scripture, nature, and common sense. By institutionalizing and encouraging celibacy the church was seen to prey on the immature and the uncertain. By holding out food, shelter, security, and economic opportunity, the monasteries enticed poor and needy parents to oblate their minor children to a life celibacy, regardless of whether it suited their natures. Mandatory celibacy, Luther taught, was hardly a prerequisite to true clerical service of God. Instead it led to "great whoredom and all manner of fleshly impurity and ... hearts filled with thoughts of women day and night."

Furthermore, to impute higher spirituality and holier virtue to the celibate contemplative life was, for the reformers, contradicted by the Bible. The Bible teaches that each person must perform his or her calling with the gifts that God provides. The gifts of continence and contemplation are but two among many, and are by no means superior to the gifts of marriage and child-rearing. Each calling plays an equally important, holy, and virtuous role in the drama of redemption, and its fulfillment is a service to God. Luther concurred with the Apostle Paul that the celibate person "may better be able to preach and care for God's word." But, he immediately added: "It is God's word and the preaching which makes celibacy--such as that of Christ and of Paul--better than the estate of marriage. In itself, however, the celibate life is far inferior."

Not only is the celibacy no better than marriage, Luther insisted. Clergy are no better than laity. To make this argument cogent, Luther had to counter the medieval chain of being theory that naturally placed celibate clergy above married laity. Luther’s answer was his famous theory of the separation of the earthly kingdom and the heavenly kingdom. For Luther, the fall into sin destroyed the original continuity and communion between the Creator and the creation, the natural tie between the heavenly kingdom and the earthly kingdom. There was no series of emanations of being from God to humanity. There was no stairway of merit from humanity to God. There was no purgatory. There was no heavenly hierarchy. God is present in the heavenly kingdom, and is revealed in the earthly kingdom primarily through "masks." Persons are born into the earthly kingdom, and have access to the heavenly kingdom only through faith.

Luther did not deny the traditional view that the earthly kingdom retains its natural order, despite the fall into sin. There remained, in effect, a chain of being, an order of creation that gave each creature, especially each human creature and each social institution, its proper place and purpose in this life. But, for Luther, this chain of being was horizontal, not hierarchical. Before God, all persons and all institutions in the earthly kingdom were by nature equal. Luther's earthly kingdom was a flat regime, a horizontal realm of being, with no person and no institution obstructed or mediated by any other in access to and accountability before God.

Luther thus rejected traditional teachings that the clergy were higher beings with readier access to God and God’s mysteries. He rejected the notion that clergy mediated the channel of grace between the laity and God—-dispensing God’s grace through the sacraments and preaching, and interceding for God’s grace by hearing confessions, receiving charity, and offering prayers on behalf of the laity.

Clergy and laity were fundamentally equal before God and before all others, Luther argued, sounding his famous doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. All persons were called to be priests their peers. Luther at once “laicized” the clergy and “clericized” the laity. He treated the traditional “clerical” office of preaching and teaching as just one other vocation alongside many others that a conscientious Christian could properly and freely pursue. He treated all traditional “lay” offices as forms of divine calling and priestly vocation, each providing unique opportunities for service to one’s peers. Preachers and teachers in the church must carry their share of civic duties and pay their share of civil taxes just like everyone else. And they should participate in earthly activities such as marriage and family life just like everyone else.

This same two kingdoms theory also provided Luther with a new understanding of the place of marriage within this earthly life. For Luther, marriage was one of the three natural estates of the earthly kingdom, alongside the church and the state, and was essential to the governance of the earthly kingdom. The marital household was to teach all persons, particularly children, Christian values, morals, and mores. It was to exemplify for a sinful society a community of love and cooperation, meditation and discussion, song and prayer. It was to hold out for the church and the state an example of firm but benign parental discipline, rule, and authority. It was to take in and care for wayfarers, widows, and destitute persons--a responsibility previously assumed largely by monasteries and cloisters.

The marital estate was thus as indispensable an agent in God's redemption plan as the church. It no longer stood within the orders of the church but alongside it. Moreover, the marital estate of marriage was as indispensable an agent of social order and communal cohesion as the state. It was not simply a creation of the civil law, but a Godly creation designed to aid the state in discharging its divine mandate.

The best example of such an idealized marital household was the local parsonage, the home of the married Lutheran minister. The reformers had already argued that pastors, like everyone else, should be married--lest they be tempted by sexual sin, deprived of the joys of marital love, and precluded from the great act of divine and human creativity in having children. Here was an even stronger argument for clerical marriage.

The clergy were to be exemplars of marriage. The minister’s household was to be a source and model for the right order and government of the local church, state, and broader community. As Adolf von Harnack put it a century ago: “The Evangelical parsonage, founded by Luther, became the model and blessing of the entire German nation, a nursery of piety and education, a place of social welfare and social equality. Without the German parsonage, the history of Germany since the sixteenth century is inconceivable.” [SNIP]

That said, it must also be said that there seems to be something gravely amiss with the American Catholic Church’s insistence on maintaining mandatory clerical celibacy -- despite the mounting evidence of homosexual and heterosexual abuses among its clergy, and despite the rapid dwindling of eligible novates within its seminaries. There is something strangely anomalous with a hierarchy that will ordain married Anglican and Orthodox priests to fill its vacant parishes, yet deny Catholic priests and novates any such marital option.

To be sure, the First Amendment free exercise clause mandates that the Catholic hierarchy be free to conduct its internal affairs without interference by the state. And to be sure, this constitutional protection frees the Church to find its own internal resources to repeat, repair, or replace its rules of clerical celibacy as it sees fit. The First Amendment is one of our most cherished freedoms, which protects popular and unpopular religious practices alike.

But the First Amendment does not license violations of the life and limb of another, and does not protect corporate complicity and conspiracy. Child abuse is a very serious felony which the modern criminal law now punishes severely. And even mutually consensual sexual contact with a minor is a strict liability offense called statutory rape. Priests who engage in such sexual acts with minors must be aggressively prosecuted and severely punished if found guilty after receiving full due process. Bishops who harbor and hide such sex felons are accomplices after the fact and are just as guilty under modern criminal law as the sexual perpetrator himself. Church corporations who conspire in such subterfuge invite serious charges of corporate criminality and corruption.

The American church hierarchy today needs to stop hiding behind constitutional walls and sacramental veils and take firm public responsibility for its actions and omissions -- ministering first and foremost to the abused victims and their families, exposing and evicting the clerical sex felons and accomplices within their midst, and getting on with their cardinal callings of preaching the word, administering the sacraments, catechizing the young, and caring for the needy.

In medieval centuries past, the church and its clergy may have been above the law of the state, and thus privileged to deal with such clerical abuses by their own means, in their own courts, at their own times. No longer. Privilege of forum and benefit of clergy have been dead letters in this country for more than a century. Clergy are not above the law. They should exemplify its letter and its spirit. The church is not above the state. It should set a model of justice and equity.

Few issues are as sublime and serious today as those involving sex and sexuality. Few crimes are as scarring as rape and child abuse. To rape a child is to destroy a child. To abuse a child is to forfeit one’s office. No cleric found guilty of child abuse can continue in office. No Christian church found complicit in child abuse is worthy of its name. Bureaucratic wrangling and political lobbying are no way for the church to respond to recent events. Repentance, restitution, and reformation are the better course.

This text is drawn in large part from his From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion, and Law in the Western Tradition (Westminster John Knox Press, 1997) and Law and Protestantism: The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation (Cambridge University Press, 2002).

TOPICS: General Discusssion
KEYWORDS: celibacy; chastity; clericalcelibacy; marriage; sex
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To: the_conscience

Yet the point is that the pastor ought to serve the needs of the Church. You know as well as I do that a husband and wife team do that very well. But in theory, there is no real distinction between the pastor and his wife. They only have different roles in the Church. If you want to talk theology, then of course, you are really talking about your rejection of a sacerdotal priesthood. The mass is not strictly speaking a “service.” What the priest does and what the pastor does, as very different not only in form but intention. In a pinch, a member of the congregation can do what the pastor does. The priest is “set apart”by the act of ordination. Of course a married priest is equally so, but in terms of example
the celibate priest even more. His only bride is the Church.

121 posted on 12/14/2009 3:32:20 PM PST by RobbyS (Pray with the suffering souls.)
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To: the_conscience
First, your question is an anachronism and we just don’t know how Luther would have reacted.

Although we of course can't channel the dead, the fact that you would feign ignorance over what these early reformers would have thought about about women and active homosexuals being pastors of their religion says a great deal about the distorted understanding contemporary protestants have about these reformers.

Second, the issue of women clergy is a different issue and, at best, only tangentially related but the theological issues are of a different kind than clerical celibacy.

The presence of women and active homosexual pastors is completely related to the manner in which the Luther instituted his reforms. These heretical perversions are a natural consequence of the early reformers divorcing themselves from magisterial authority in order to achieve their worldly ends. The openly homosexual Lutheran clergy of today simply followed in their namesake's footsteps.

Finally, most conservative Protestants reject homosexual clergy while at the same time holding to the old arguments against a celibate clergy.

The funny part is how conservative Lutherans are now forced to declare other Lutherans as having fallen into apostasy in the same way that the early Lutheran reformers declared that the Catholic Church had fallen into apostasy. The fact that protestants today are still rehashing their tired arguments against Catholic priestly celibacy without any acknowledgment of the public scandal of their own fellow Lutheran pastors is hilarious!

Again, a different issue with different theological principles. Theology should drive pragmatism not the other way around.

Both issues have the same underlying cause. Pragmatism has no place in true theology. The protestant reformers clearly distorted the theology of the day to sever their relationship to the Catholic Church in order to serve their own sexual desires. The fact that the vast majority of Lutherans now belong to synods that permit women and active homosexuals to be their clergy speaks volumes about the failure of Luther's reforms against clerical celibacy. Had such reforms been virtuous, they would not have led to such greater evils.

122 posted on 12/14/2009 3:44:45 PM PST by Ronaldus Magnus
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To: Notwithstanding
Campion said: 'Let's summarize: "Clerical celibacy is wrong because men are beasts who can't control themselves."

This was sarcasm, no?

Then you replied about my more serious questions: "Your response misses the point (perhaps intentionally)." This sounds like you are accusing me of sarcasm. I am not being sarcastic. I want to understand the concept more fully.

Then you say:"If you are not the master of your sexual and other urges, and are unable to abstain from them as virtue and prudence may require, then you are acting like a beast. Saying this is not the same as saying that having sex makes you a beast. Not sure why you equated the two."

Let me ask my questions in more simple terms:

If a man is happily married and has good and satisfying relations with his wife and if, due to this level of satisfaction, he is not bothered by imprudent sexual urges how is this man leading a less beastly life than a man who somehow manages to suppress strong sexual urges and abstains from ever having sex?

In other words, how is mastering strong sexual urges through suppression more honorable than bringing them to the marital bed?

I am not being sarcastic. I want to understand this teaching.

Also please supply chapter and verse for your assertion that we are by called by Jesus to imitate his total celibacy.

123 posted on 12/14/2009 4:06:20 PM PST by Upstate NY Guy
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To: Notwithstanding
Campion said: 'Let's summarize: "Clerical celibacy is wrong because men are beasts who can't control themselves."

This was sarcasm, no?

Then you replied about my more serious questions: "Your response misses the point (perhaps intentionally)." This sounds like you are accusing me of sarcasm. I am not being sarcastic. I want to understand the concept more fully.

Then you say:"If you are not the master of your sexual and other urges, and are unable to abstain from them as virtue and prudence may require, then you are acting like a beast. Saying this is not the same as saying that having sex makes you a beast. Not sure why you equated the two."

Let me ask my questions in more simple terms:

If a man is happily married and has good and satisfying relations with his wife and if, due to this level of satisfaction, he is not bothered by imprudent sexual urges how is this man leading a less beastly life than a man who somehow manages to suppress strong sexual urges and abstains from ever having sex?

In other words, how is mastering strong sexual urges through suppression more honorable than bringing them to the marital bed?

I am not being sarcastic. I want to understand this teaching.

Also please supply chapter and verse for your assertion that we are by called by Jesus to imitate his total celibacy.

124 posted on 12/14/2009 4:06:27 PM PST by Upstate NY Guy
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To: Upstate NY Guy

Sorry for double post. Slow connection.

125 posted on 12/14/2009 4:10:43 PM PST by Upstate NY Guy
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To: the_conscience; Poe White Trash; T Minus Four; Dr. Eckleburg

I’ve thought it odd that the Catholic Church would be against their priests marrying, yet still look the other way when bishops, cardinals, and popes had concubines. It would seem to me that they should follow Paul’s advise and if they do have earthly desires, then let a man marry. It’s rather hypocritical to pretend there is no problem.

126 posted on 12/14/2009 4:35:27 PM PST by HarleyD
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To: HarleyD
I'm pretty sure that bishops, cardinals, etc. aren't allowed to have concubines these days.

It'd be interesting to see to what extent, if any, that clerical concubinage was permitted by canon law in the Middle Ages.

127 posted on 12/14/2009 4:41:07 PM PST by Poe White Trash (Wake up!)
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To: the_conscience
Among men.

There is a heirarchy among Angels, Animals, Plants, and inanimate objects, why not among men?

Is the saint in heaven not better than the just man on earth?

Is the just man is not better than the sinner?

Is the sinner not better than the damned in hell?

Among the just are there not more and less virtuous men? Are there not better and worse sinners?

Was St. John the Baptist not the best of all men born from women? (St. Matthew 11.11)

And as to the notion of heirarchy being "Romanist", heirarchical division of society are and always have been clearly present among men in all societies, ancient and modern, primitive and advanced.

128 posted on 12/14/2009 5:06:22 PM PST by Heliand
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To: RobbyS
The mandated celibacy of the priest was a reaction to the corruption of the Dark Ages

Dark Ages = what? From the "fall" of Rome? From the time of the Gothic Wars until Hildebrand (Pope St. Gregory IX)? After Charlemagne until the Crusades? Where they the same in all places?

Did the Dark Ages start with Constantine Augustus in AD 313 when Rome was in its glory and held sway over all the west and middle east? The first surviving legislation of the Church mandating celibacy came from Spanish and French Church Councils circa AD 310.

Was St. Augustine a Dark Age denizen? The Council of Carthage in AD 390 reiterated celibacy as an Apostolic Tradition, with Blessed Augustine taking part.

the rich places scorned by St. Bernard and other reformers

St. Bernard and other reformers created the rich monasteries of the Cistercians.

129 posted on 12/14/2009 5:12:16 PM PST by Heliand
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To: the_conscience

It can’t be arbitrary—or artificial, as you say—and be changeable. The rule can be changed but only in accord with Church tradition. The pope can allow married men to be priests in the Latin rite, but that is the tradition in the Eastern rites. But he cannot allow a priest to marry, nor a woman, because these things is contrary to tradition. That is, because these things are not in accord with THE Tradition, he has no authority.

130 posted on 12/14/2009 5:17:10 PM PST by RobbyS (Pray with the suffering souls.)
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To: Heliand
Well, the Merovingian Period was the “horrible example “ Improvement came and went with Charlemagne, and then the very bad time of the 9th Century. The period may not have been “the Dark Ages—which properly was only the 6th century when there is so little documentation. But the time of the Norse invasions was surely bad enough. As for celibacy, the rule became universal in the rite as as result of the Investiture scandal. Pope Gregory was reaching back for a way of fighting imperial control over the clergy.

As for St. Bernard, don't think you would like to have lived in one of his monasteries. They were set up in the wilderness and the average monk survived about 7 years. The improvements, of course, eventually increased the value of the lands greatly, but at first his was a pioneer's existence.

131 posted on 12/14/2009 5:32:00 PM PST by RobbyS (Pray with the suffering souls.)
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To: CharlesWayneCT

No, he was an Apostle and a man of authority. His deputies and his converts in the towns, the settled leaders, were more properly “clergy.”

132 posted on 12/14/2009 5:37:25 PM PST by RobbyS (Pray with the suffering souls.)
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To: the_conscience; Campion
There are dangers of both sides. Many who in the past felt the call to be a pastor or priest did not have the call to be celibate. Many married pastors have felt that having in effect two families means that one is always left out (I know a number of Lutheran pastor's kids who felt that way, and one who will not marry as an active pastor because of it).

Now I feel that mandated celibacy for the priesthood is not good, being a celibate priest is not bad either.

133 posted on 12/14/2009 5:57:24 PM PST by redgolum ("God is dead" -- Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" -- God.)
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To: Heliand
So instead, you believe all things created and uncreated are equal, with no heirarchy?

What are things uncreated?

John 1:3: Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

134 posted on 12/14/2009 6:01:04 PM PST by Upstate NY Guy
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To: Campion
Yes he did.

But Campion, you are more educated than that. Was a ruler marrying two women unheard of in Europe before the Reformation?

No it wasn't. It wasn't as common as say modern day Europe, but many rulers found ways to get rid of one wife, or just marry another. Read some of the history around the Crusader states. Many had a wife back home and one in the Holy Land. Many also had concubines who had some sort of recognized role even in inheritance law (i.e. the kids weren't full bastards under many legal systems). For a real interesting read look at the various mistresses of the French kings (though that is a bit of an extreme).

Luther made a mistake, and caught a lot of flack for it. Phillip was going to have his mistress anyway, so Luther tried to give his friend a semi “legal” way out. It wasn't right, but it was known to happen.

135 posted on 12/14/2009 6:05:16 PM PST by redgolum ("God is dead" -- Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" -- God.)
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To: Upstate NY Guy; Notwithstanding

If a man is happily married and has good and satisfying relations with his wife and if, due to this level of satisfaction, he is not bothered by imprudent sexual urges how is this man leading a less more beastly life than a man who somehow manages to suppress strong sexual urges and abstains from ever having sex?

136 posted on 12/14/2009 6:14:09 PM PST by Upstate NY Guy
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To: the_conscience
Nevertheless, it denies them their calling.

Okay, and if the church asserts that a valid "calling" to the priesthood presupposes a "calling" to the virtue of apostolic celibacy, then ... ?

137 posted on 12/14/2009 6:20:20 PM PST by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: the_conscience
To artificially introduce an opposite ordinance leads to an unnatural situation and opens itself to sin.

When Jesus referred to "eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven," to whom was he referring?

138 posted on 12/14/2009 6:23:24 PM PST by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: redgolum
Was a ruler marrying two women unheard of in Europe before the Reformation?

No, what was at least relatively unheard of was a Christian cleric excusing a ruler's concubinage.

My point was simply that there was no lack of moral corruption on either side (as is always the case when sinful humans are involved!), and the reformers were not infallible sources of Christian doctrine on the topic of human sexuality.

139 posted on 12/14/2009 6:26:13 PM PST by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: Ronaldus Magnus
"...Had such reforms been virtuous, they would not have led to such greater evils."

Really? Luther's reforms have lead to the present sinful practices of some of today's liberal clergy?

This doctrine of enforced, required celibacy, which didn't apparently come into vogue (as mandatory requirement) did not arise until at least TWO CENTURIES after the original Apostles. One could reasonable surmise, that matter of such import would have been addressed somewhat earlier on. But nevermind that, for now...

You seem to be arguing that one should judge a tree by it's fruits, yes? While pointing at the evil fruit of the fem-bot/gay clergy, yes?

Sounds ok, but if such logic is indeed applicable, in broad strokes of the tar coated brush, what does same that logic say in regards to "some" (not all, mind you, just "some") of the historical evidence regarding human sexuality in the Catholic Church?.

Here ya go, buddy. Read 'em & weep;

* Conclusions

In spite of claims to the contrary, the canonical history of the Catholic Church clearly reflects a consistent pattern of awareness that celibate clergy regularly violated their obligations in a variety of ways. The fact of clergy abuse with members of the same sex, with young people and with women is fully documented. At certain periods of church history clergy sexual abuse was publicly known and publicly acknowledged by church leaders. From the late 19th century into the early 21st century the church’s leadership has adopted a position of secrecy and silence. They have denied the predictability of clergy sexual abuse in one form or another and have claimed that this is a phenomenon new to the post-Vatican II era. The recently published reports of the Bishops’ National Review Board and John Jay College Survey have confirmed the fact of known clergy sexual abuse since the 1950's and the church leadership’s consistent mishandling of individual cases.

The bishops have, at various times, claimed that they were unaware of the serious nature of clergy sexual abuse and unaware of the impact on victims. This claim is easily offset by the historical evidence. Through the centuries the church has repeatedly condemned clergy sexual abuse, particularly same-sex abuse. The very texts of many of the laws and official statements show that this form of sexual activity was considered harmful to the victims, to society and to the Catholic community. Church leaders may not have been aware of the scientific nature of the different sexual disorders nor the clinical descriptions of the emotional and psychological impact on victims, but they cannot claim ignorance of the fact that such behavior was destructive in effect and criminal in nature.

In the 16th and 17th centuries there is evidence that church authorities often subjected accused clerics to canonical trials after which they were turned over to secular authorities for additional punishment. In the 20th century at least two civil trials received limited local publicity: Fr. Bruce MacArthur (El Paso, TX, 1979) and Fr. Mel Balthasar (Boise, ID, 1983-84)

John Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), p. 42

See Pierre Payer, Sex and the Penitentials (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984)

Pierre J. Payer, “Introduction” to The Book of Gomorrah (Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1982), p. 5. “The Book of Gomorrah stands out as a carefully planned and eloquently executed discussion of the subject reflecting both a legalistic concern with correct ecclesiastical censure and a passionate pastoral concern for those caught up in the behavior.

John Boswell, op. cit., p. 187: “There is in fact a considerable body of evidence to suggest that homosexual relations were especially associated with the clergy. Some Christian authors have rather defensively rejected this idea but with little supporting documentation.

Vern Bullough, Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church, p. 61

Decree of Gratian, D. 1, de pen., c.15 in Decretum Magistri Gratiani, editio Lipsiensis Secunda, editor, A.L. Richter,( Graz, Friedberg, 1879, 1959). (The manner of citing Gratian is unique. The citations here noted refer to the first part of the Decretum, and each number refers to a section known as a distinctio.

John Lynch, “Marriage and celibacy of the clergy: the discipline of the western church: an historico-canonical synopsis,” Jurist 32(1972): 199-200

Canon 11, 3rd Lateran Council in H.J. Schroeder, editor, Disciplinary Decrees of the General Councils, (St. Louis, B. Herder Book Co. 1937) , p. 224

John Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality, (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1980), p. 188

Michael Goodich, “Sodomy in Ecclesiastical Law and Theory,” in Journal of Homosexuality 1(1976), p. 427: “in the 13th century, the few references to homosexuality suggest that it was generally regarded as a clerical vice. Both the manuals of penance of the early Middle Ages and the conciliar and synodal legislation initiated in the 12th century placed greater emphasis upon the prevention and suppression of sodomy among the clergy.

See Peter Damian, Book of Gomorrah, chapter 2, p. 30: “ And some rectors of churches who are perhaps more humane in regard to this vice than is expedient absolutely decree that no one ought to be deposed from his order on account of three of the grades which were enumerated above....Consequently when someone is known to have fallen into this wickedness with eight or even ten other equally sordid men, we see him still remaining in his ecclesiastical position. Surely this impious piety does not cut off the wound but adds fuel to the fire. It does not prevent the bitterness of this illicit act when committed, but rather makes way for it to be committed freely.

Schroeder, Disciplinary Decrees of the General Councils , p. 256

See Richard Sherr, “A Canon, A Choirboy and Homosexuality in Late 16th Century Italy: A Case Study,” in Journal of Homosexuality 21(1991), p. 1-22. This is an interesting story of a priest accused of sodomizing a 13 year old choirboy in the town of Loreto. The priest was tried by the church court, defrocked and then turned over to civil authorities who sentenced him to death by de-capitation. The victim was whipped and banned from the papal States

Elizabeth Abbott, A History of Celibacy (Cambridge, DaCapo Press, 1999), p. 108, 113 and John Lynch, “Marriage and Celibacy of the Clergy: The Discipline of the Western Church: An Historico-Canonical Synopsis,” Jurist , 32-2(1972), p. 207.

Elizabeth Abbott, op. cit., p. 102.

Ibid., p. 554.

See Cross and Livingstone, op. cit., p. 1050. Pope Paul III himself had three sons and a daughter yet promoted the reform.

Brundage, Law, Sex and Christian Society, p. 568.

Canon 10, Session XXIV in H.J. Schroeder, editor, The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, (St. Louis, B. Herder, 1941), p. 182.

Session XXV, canon 24 in Schroeder, p. 247-48.

Pope Pius V, “Romani Pontifices, 1 April 1566, in P. Gasparri, editor, Codicem Iuris Canonici Fontes , Vol. 1, (Vatican, Typis Polyglottis, 1926), p. 200 (Hereinafter identified as Fontes.)

Pope Pius V, “Horrendum” Papal Constitution, 30 August 1568 in Fontes p. 229.

Charles Henry, a History of the Inquisition in Spain.( New York, MacMillan, 1907), p. 135.

Acta Apostolicae Sedis or Acts of the Apostolic See is the official periodical that contains Vatican legislation. Canon 9 of the 1917 Code states that official publication takes place through the Acta.

“Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela,” May 18, 2001, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 93(2001), p. 785-788.

Jason Berry, Vows of Silence (New York: The Free Press, 2004), p. 97-98 citing Eileen Welsome, “Founder Didn’t Want Molesters at Paraclete,” Albuquerque Tribune, April 2, 1993.

Sacred Congregation for Religious, “Careful Selection and Training of Candidates for the States of Perfection and sacred orders,” 2 Feb. 1961 in Canon Law Digest, Vol. 5, p. 471.

W.J. Coville.” Basic issues in the development and administration of a psychological assessment program for the religious life.” In W.J. Coville, P.F. D’Arcy, T.N. McCarthy, and J.J. Rooney, editors, Assessment of candidates for the religious life: Basic psychological issues and procedures (Washington, DC: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, 1968), p. 28-29.

A.W. Richard Sipe, “Affidavit,” Doe v NOSF, District Court of El Paso, Texas, Feb. 9, 2004, . 19, p. 5-6.

Conrad Baars, M.D., “The Role of the Church in the Causation, Treatment and Prevention of the Crisis in the Priesthood.” Unpublished, 1971.

Eugene Kennedy and Victor Heckler, The Catholic Priest in the United States: Psychological Investigations. (Washington, D.C., U.S. Catholic Conference, 1972).

Ibid., p. 11.

Jason Berry, Lead Us Not Into Temptation (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1992), p. 30

Thomas Doyle, F. Ray Mouton and Michael Peterson, The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy: Meeting the Problem in a Comprehensive and Responsible Manner. 1985. (Private)

Catechism of the Catholic Church (New York, Doubleday, 1995), no. 2389, p. 574.

Deposition of Bishop Bernard Flanagan, June 6, 1995, Barry vs. Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, a Corporation Sole and Thomas A. Kane, defendants. C.A. No. 93-02438, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, p. 152-153.

A Short History

140 posted on 12/14/2009 7:11:13 PM PST by BlueDragon (there is no such thing as a "true" compass, all are subject to both variation & deviation)
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