To: presently no screen name
“Well, God didn’t ask us what we think. The universe was created by God speaking it into existence.”
Not sure why the snippy answer. Of course God didn’t ask us what we think.
My point is, the story of creation - God forming everything out of nothing, sounds a lot like the Big Bang Theory. A crazy idea (something out of nothing) that wasn’t theorized until the 1920’s. And did not gain wide acceptance by scientists until the 1960’s.
And of course “science” changes as we learn more and more about God’s creation. Well - the science or the laws of God have always been there and unchangeable, it is just our limited, but growing, understanding of them. (Of course with the normal result of “the more we know, the more we know how little we know”.)
82 posted on
12/12/2009 12:06:49 PM PST by
(Drive Reality out with a pitchfork if you want , it always comes back.)
To: 21twelve
Sounds a lot like the Big Bang theory if you ask me!....Not sure why the snippy answer. Of course God didnt ask us what we think.
I was responded to your 'if you ask me'. Nothing snippy about it. Some use their own understanding for something that is beyond human understanding. Unless they 'get it', to them, it simply can't be true - so there must be another answer.
sounds a lot like the Big Bang Theory. A crazy idea (something out of nothing) that wasnt theorized until the 1920s. And did not gain wide acceptance by scientists until the 1960s.
A crazy idea to you - along w/'something out of nothing'. That something was HIS WORD - that is how powerful His Words are. Now only speaking it into existence but how it supplied our earth still today because he spoke the 'seed' into existence for every plant - not just the plant. How all the planets, stars, etc. line up in perfect order - so precise than man can look backwards and forward in time to see where the stars did/will line up. How it provides what our bodies need - air, water, herbs/food and what they contain. God created man after everything was in place for him.
1920's? There are so many examples - a few are - think Jesus and the 5 loaves and 2 fish (prayed and spoke more than enough into existence), think Elijah - calling fire and rain down from the heavens, think Moses about the Red Sea, the water from the rock, the snake. It's different than the creation but still the same concept - calling something into existence that wasn't there before.
As far as scientist - when it comes to the things of God and His universe, they are usually a day late dollar short. For one thing, they no have concept of supernatural faith and the Power of God's Word. It's supernatural, not natural. They only believe what their five senses tell them, what they can see/hear/feel/touch/smell. God's ways are higher than that - God work is done in the supernatural.
the more we know, the more we know how little we know.
How true - I can relate. As frustrating as it is at times, the good thing is, IMO, it somehow keeps one going to search/learn more.
To: 21twelve; presently no screen name
My point is, the story of creation - God forming everything out of nothing, sounds a lot like the Big Bang Theory." Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God created everything out of nothing. - The initial description is of a cold dark, deep mass that was expanded in an orderly fashion, and no 'bang' was involved. Also there was no light until later on. A bang would have been just about all light and radiation at first.
137 posted on
12/12/2009 8:51:20 PM PST by
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