Sorry, I don't cater to braggadocious pride of men who put stock in earning their way to heaven via good works. To feed such an appetite would = me posting thousands pages inventorying thousands of peoples' good works...but for what purpose? To glorify mere men and women -- as if God the Holy Spirit didn't accomplish those things through us?
Your tactic reminds me of the typical pro-abortionists' tactic of old. Some pro-lifer would be talking/discussing/posting something AGAINST abortion. Then some pro-abortionist would enter the discussion & ask a pro-lifer if they've adopted some orphan from Africa -- attempting to paralyze the pro-lifer from saying one single additional word against abortion.
It was like the pro-abort expected the pro-lifer to have a stellar resume' beyond mere words against abortion -- and unless the pro-lifer could produce African (or Asian) adoption records to supposedly "satisfy" the pro-abort challenge, said pro-lifer was just suppose to "shut up."
(Of course, the pro-abort "knew" even if such records were produced...
(a) it wouldn't change the pro-abort's mind about pro-life issues;
and (b) producing such records wouldn't satisfy them, anyway, because it wasn't the intent of the challenge to begin congrats, RF, you've managed to mimick pro-abort tactics!)
“Sorry, I don’t cater to braggadocious pride of men who put stock in earning their way to heaven via good works.”
So you shouldn’t do good works, or not?
“Your tactic reminds me of the typical pro-abortionists’ tactic of old.”
Whoa Nelly. What does Mormon’s being able to point to good works, and your unwillingness or inability to do so have to do with any of this other extraneous garbage?
If your church doesn’t believe in doing good works, then fine. The Mormons do, and they don’t just talk about it.
Yet you and people just like you criticize, and complain. Then you conclude that anyone who doesn’t agree with you is using abortionists tactics?
Just say a kind word - the Mormons do good works and help people, don’t they? Isn’t that a good thing that is unlikely to hurt them on Judgment day?