That’s exactly what I’m saying. The RDA in America for iodine is 150 mcg. We should be taking 100 times that, at least.
Every single cell of our bodies needs iodine, not just the thyroid, which is what the medical community focuses on. And it is crucial for all the reproductive organs; breast, uterus, ovaries AND prostate.
The problem of the past 50 years or so is not just that iodine isn’t in our soil anymore like before, the big thing is that bromine was added to almost all baked goods, and ‘acts like’ iodine and is absorbed like it but it’s a toxin. Same for chlorine and flouride. These 3 are called toxic halides. As soon as you start taking the higher doses of iodine, you will immediately start to detox these 3 things.
A lot of the RDAs are way, way too low. I take a couple of thousand units of Vitamin C a day, but the RDA is 60 and 800 of D, while the RDA is 200, and have for decades.