***Hey Mark, I know stories like this can be disheartening. This is real 10,000 BC witchcult stuff. But these folks arent the real Protestants, who are Christians. ***
One of the things that I admire about our Orthodox Catholics is that they are much more likely to rise up and cast out bishops who are heterodox. We do that reluctantly in the Latin Church. It is not done at all in the Protestant churches except on the local level which is really a popularity contest and not a theological one.
***They are wackaddoo losers who are trying to bring back paganistic ritual sacrifice from the dawn of prehistory and soil the names of good Christian organizations.***
Perhaps. I think that the drive is simply the most simple explanation of human preference, laziness, and most importantly, power.
Hey man you are ‘probly a heckuva lot smarter than me when it comes to this stuff. All I’m saying is that these troggs are doing stuff that lots of Protestants are no way into, despite what the media would like for us to think.
“Perhaps. I think that the drive is simply the most simple explanation of human preference, laziness, and most importantly, power.”
Ask yourself how the devil would work. This is real old stuff come again, in my opinion.