Already, federal policy unfairly prevents low-income women and federal employees from receiving subsidized [abortions]," Rev. Debra W. Haffner, executive director of the Religious Institute complained. God doesn't want you to kill ANY babies you fool.
1 posted on
10/02/2009 4:46:23 PM PDT by
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To: wagglebee
I received an e-mail from the ELCA's e-Advocacy Network earlier today referencing this article.
The e-mail states:
"...there has been some misleading information regarding the ELCA's advocacy regarding funding for abortions. The "Religious Institute" and its director, the Rev. Debra Haffner, claim mainline church support stronger public funding of abortions in health care legislation. Based on the Religious Institute's open letter, subsequently wrote an article which inappropriately and incorrectly stated that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America supports the letter and the coalition, when in fact we do not."
"The ELCA Washington Office staff are working with a group of other faith-based partners to ask for a more forthright statement from the administration and congressional leadership that health care reform will not be used to increase the opportunities for public funding for abortions."
I haven't had a chance to check the claims in this post against the ELCA's counter-claim. However, it appears LifeNews may have either misrepresented ELCA's position or gotten bad information from another organization.
93 posted on
10/05/2009 1:47:38 PM PDT by
(TARP - proof there is no situation so bad that government can't make it worse.)
To: wagglebee; lightman
LifeNews has added this to the end of their article:
"An earlier edition of this story indicated the denominations of the clergy also signed the letter. We are happy to correct this and note that the denominations apparently did not participate, only the clergy members themselves."
It appears the "clergy" who signed this pro-abortion letter were speaking for themselves and not representing the positions of their denominations.
95 posted on
10/05/2009 5:19:07 PM PDT by
(TARP - proof there is no situation so bad that government can't make it worse.)
To: wagglebee
Here's the "girls" The Religious Institute's, "Reproductive Justice" page.
Why in the world would this bunch ever have to think about reproducing???
To: wagglebee
To: All
I am looking for information on how to get a copy of the letter.
I am not doubting its existance but, I need it for ammunition.
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