So what is your point?
Of course the Virgin Birth of our Lord Jesus, as a fact, preceded the church and preceded the writing of the “New Testament” of scripture.
And, of course, the first Christians, the earliest Church, preceded in history the writing down of this “New Testament” part of our Bible.
We who were born centuries after these events have no other way to know of the Virgin Birth, or of His death on the cross, or of his Resurrection and Ascension - except by the Scriptures.
Isn’t it wonderful that God has deemed it fit to transmit His truth in the written Word of God just as He deemed it fit to come to this earth, as the Son of God, sent to redeem lost sinners - He the LOGOS of God - the LIVING Word of God - the expression of God!
How marvelous and wonderful are His ways!
God is not a pluralist.He founded a Church,not many churches and many interpretations of the Bible that came 300 plus years after Christ died.
Once you know this you're going to be faced with a decision to either ignore this and follow your own ideas or follow the Church that gave you the Bible