There is a small group here who are very threatened by anything that doesn't conform to their own religious views. They ping each other whenever someone posts something they disagree with.
As long as you are not cramming anything down our throats, you have as much right to post as they do in my opinion though, of course, I don't own this website and have nothing really to say about that.
Swedenborg is, indeed, a well-known figure and I do not think people should be threatened if some wish to read about his ideas..
"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
I certainly take it in a light hearted manner when a bloke hiding behind the screen name of Godzilla is trash talking my faith. The Lord gives me strength to use his attacks to extend the conversation and provide more details. It helps me grow in my ministry. I will be posting this thread to the White House Web Site as President Obama may want to find a church and Lincoln and Rev Dr Martin Luther King are inspirational to him.