I am a Mason and I have never taken any “BLOODTHIRSTY OATHS”, neither have I been asked to treat God as an indifferent Deity.
I find it amazing that supposedly intelligent people take off on tangents of attack against churches and organizations when they have no clue about what they talk about. Yet in any given year, here in this forum, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Masons, and other groups are blasted as being cults and having devious intentions when most of those who are doing the blasting do not belong.
I would be willing to bet when you wreck your car and the EMICT comes to save your life that you do not ask him his religion or social affiliations before accepting his life saving abilities. Folks, if we dont get away from this “labeling” mentality and begin pulling together for the common cause—America—then the socialists and Obamites are going to use these divisions to slap us down into the huddled masses that they want us to be.
I am a Mason and I have never taken any BLOODTHIRSTY OATHS, ...Really? No oaths of significant harm should you violate them? Would answering this simple question violate any oath you have taken? What degree have you achieved?
...neither have I been asked to treat God as an indifferent Deity.Really? Does not the Mason belief system admit ANY who believe in ANY higher power? How indifferent is that!
Most religions have a god but only one historically recognizes the flesh and blood son of God. That is the sticking point for masons. There are no crucifixes or crosses in masonic temples. Universal brotherhood trumps christ in the temple. No one will push the point but the unspoken truths are the loudest.