Are you kidding? He operates in the five fold ministry, which isnt just prophecy. Hes a spirit-filled Christian and believes GODs Word for today. Its apparent that most of you here dont even know what it means.
Sounds like charismatic jargon. Maybe you could explain it.
Claiming to be a prophet, and speak the words of God, is an extremely serious thing. I've seen and heard a lot of this kind of stuff around. Without exception each has been an incoherent ramble, stringing phrases pulled from the Bible and from charismatic jargon in what can only be described as third order monkey typing. It's totally and completely different in character from the written word of God we have -- the Bible itself.
Why should I believe this person is a prophet of God?
I think of myself as a Spirit-filled Christian (on my good days) and I believe God’s word for today.
But I’m still not posting threads where I claim to speak for Jesus. For one thing, Anoreth would *just die* if I tried it, on teh publik interwebs. And Jesus has never given me any indication that He thinks I should do that. When I think the Lord is speaking to me, it’s more like, “Stop complaining and sort the laundry, already.”
You don’t have to believe anything anyone says. Ask God.