Explaining the Gospel every mass, now that would be good.
Which is where the priest's homily immediately following the Gospel reading comes in.
I’ve been to catholic masses where the homily has been absolutely stunning. I’ve been to others where it has been little more than a few trite words about “goodness”.
Conversely, I’ve been to Anglican services that have sent me to sleep, I’ve been to others that have left me leaping with joy. I’ve heard Baptist sermons that have stayed with me forever, I’ve been to others where the preacher was clearly having some kind of breakdown. I’ve been to Methodist services that have terrified me, I’ve been to others that have calmed my mind. I’ve been to Pentacostal services where I’ve learned things I’d never considered before, I’ve been to others where I couldn’t wait to get out the door.
In the final analysis, it’s all about whether the people leading, whatever they call themselves, are smart and humble enough to let God work through them.