But St. Paul did not use the broken chair allegory. He instead chose the allegory of wood and straw being burned off and gold and precious stone remaining. Therefore, I read what is written and you spin your own theories. That is what makes me a Bible believing Catholic Christian.
“He instead chose the allegory of wood and straw being burned off and gold and precious stone remaining.”
And did he say we carry the remains of the building into Heaven with us, once purified? Did he say it purifies the man’s soul, and makes him ready for heaven?
Nope. You shove your false theology (that Jesus isn’t sufficient) into a passage that even Catholic theologians agree wasn’t about Purgatory.
“I read what is written and you spin your own theories.”
Here is what is written: “the fire will test the quality of each man’s work.”
Paul tells you the meaning of the allegory. You don’t need traditions to understand. Instead, your traditions take you away from the obvious truth.