No one can determine the end of time other than the Lord himself. He knows when and according to the bible, we will know that it is time when it actually gets here. This is repeated a number of times in the New Testament.
He is a rude and obnoxious man who needs to be taken off the air for immoral and outrageous behavior. How could a religious program like this continue to have him on the air. They need to find someone who is morally and ethically correct to take over and make it worth listening to.
The problem with Harold Camping is he is at this point in time, UNTEACHABLE.
Years after his first debacle ( he predicted Christ would return in 1994 and wrote a book about it ), pastors, teachers and elders have all tried to reach out to him to stop this madness. They’ve tried to counsel him, advise him, warn him at first privately, then publicly, to no avail.
One of them is Dr. James White, who actually challenged him to a public debate. You can hear portions of the debate here :
He not only refused to listen, he also continued to add strange doctrines to his teachings, chief among them is that the churches have ALL become apostate and it is useless to attend ANY of them at all.
It’s sad really as his radio station still airs some very good programs ( except his own teachings ). It is one of the very few stations in the country that still plays good old fashion traditional hymns as opposed to the Christian Contemporary Music we hear in a lot of stations.