I don’t know how many YOU have. You ducked the question, as usual.
You truly don't know how many "gods" Christians have? (Is that representative of other Mormons, too?)
Allow me to answer by citing the Bible: 5For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords"), 6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. (1 Cor. 8:5-6)
By nature, Jesus is this same God!
Now...how does the apostle Paul further elaborate in order to distinguish "so-called gods" who are part of "many 'gods' and many 'lords'" from the "one God for us?" Well, flip on over to Gal. 4:8:
Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods (Galatians 4:8)
A "god" can be your "stomach" -- says Paul in Phil. 3:19.
It can be $.
It can be the winner of American Idol.
It can be your fave sports team or sports hero.
It can be your govt. who provides for you.
It can be a rogue judge who believes he has all authority to rule on all manner of things.
The Bible says the usurper, Satan, is a "god of this world" (But you don't think Satan is part of the Mormon pantheon of the "council of gods" out there? Or do you?)
All of these are part of the vast umbrella of "gods many and lords many" ... but NONE of these qualify as a true God because they are NOT God by nature!
There's always only been one true God by nature. And there always will be only one true God by nature.
All of the others identified as "gods" are either...
...(a) entities with some of His attributes acting in his authorized authority -- beings who are not by nature divine...example: the wicked human judges in Ps. 82 -- men who die;
...(b) false pretenders or things (idols) who/which have people worship them, pray to them, say incantations to, etc. Example: 2 Cor. 4:4: Satan, the "god" of this world.
...(c) As a point of clarification -- the only "Persons" not covered under (a) and (b) are the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, who each have Full Attributes of divinity & who have always been of divine nature/substance/essence, & are so unified with the Father that they are more defined identity-wise by that unity than they are by their individual "Persons."
(I mean you don't criticize Mrs. So&So for being known more by her last name of So&So than you do her first name, do you? Mrs. So&So hasn't lost her personal distinct identity; she's simply one with her husband -- and they share that intimacy, oneness & that name identity! If that's true of a given wife, how much more unified is our God!)