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To: Robwin
How do we find common ground with someone who is the most outspoken public advocate of an "abominable crime"? Does Rome really believe some accomodation can be found with Obowma?

Even these rehashes of the article (which apparently has not yet appeared in English) don't say that.

Bamster sought common ground in his speech. That's simply reporting a fact. Of course you, and I, and I believe the Pope, know full well that that's all it is: a speech. Nice words, to distract from ugly policies.

Why is it everyone's flipping out over an OR article that essentially just seems to be reporting factual information, while totally ignoring what Abp. Burke and Cardinal Arinze have said on the matter?

36 posted on 05/19/2009 7:30:47 PM PDT by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: Campion
Bamster sought common ground in his speech.

What Obama actually did was to insert himself into the Catholic religion and entice left leaning Catholics to join him. That is Obamas common ground, abortion on demand and born alive babies left to die in closets under the banner of "choice". There is no damn common ground with a man like that.

39 posted on 05/19/2009 7:40:22 PM PDT by jwalsh07
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