Yes, I do, and the ‘seeker sensitive’ (e.g. PC) movement in the church is a big old part of it. Think Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, etc.
Was listening to the White Horse Inn (I think it was them) a few weeks ago and they were reminding us that politicians are not the problem. Evangelical pastors are the problem! How can we be salt and light when we’re fed pablum in church in the interests of growing a ‘crowd’ and being popular?
Large, centrally organized denominations have turned into Mammon. Maybe they always were. It’s about money, not salvation. Turn to the Bible, and turn to prayer ... not man. That’s the answer.
“Evangelical pastors are the problem! How can we be salt and light when were fed pablum in church in the interests of growing a crowd and being popular?”
ROTFLMAO - yeah its a ‘bad’ thing to get more butts in seats. Its really bad to bring more people to the Lord. /sarc
What planet are you living on?