“So you agree that God did it is as far as we really need to go when exploring the world around us?”
Absolutely not. There are many wonders out there that are meant for our discovery. When I said “well stated”, I was referring to man’s impatience to find answers regarding God, and then trying to tie God in with science.
My personal belief is that God is a separate entity free from persecution or accusation. The “Aha!” man is looking for regarding God, will never come, if it is being searched out to be equated with science. However, the “Aha” can come when man is speaking to God within himself.
There are deep, hidden recesses in our own minds that we have not tapped into yet...I believe there are recesses about life on earth we have not tapped into yet. Science is a beautiful thing, not only because I work in it, I believe that this is the way we can learn about our surroundings, learn how to sustain life, & learn how to simply survive.
Why must people be so eager to disprove God’s Words? I believe the most important thing scientists should look at when attempting to compare evo with God, is the issue of the word “time”. When God said “days” in Genesis, how long is that? Man is the one who came up with 24 hours = 1 day. I don’t recall God giving us the hours in his day.
So things need to be kept in perspective, when it comes to trying to equate religion with science.
Sorry for the rambling...its an interesting topic. But I am a Christian, and I stand behind my faith.
I don’t believe God meant us to be, pardon the comparison, like the Eloi in the movie Time Machine, with no mind or will to explore & learn.
I think for the most part, that we are in agreement.
No human ‘science’ is appropriate to our relationship with Christ, but science is not evil in and of itself. If it is helpful to our lives without ruling our lives, its ok, but if we allow it to trump the wisdom of the word, we’ve gone too far.