Well, it ain’t me who says that the historic, basic and foundational doctrines of Christianity aren’t true...
It’s Joesph Smith and it’s the Mormons themselves.
I can’t dispute them about their own teachings, because it is the Mormon teachings themselves, that say that the “gospel” had to be restored — it’s not me that said that... I have to take the Mormons at their word that they *had to restore* the gospel and that it was not in existence at the time of Joseph Smith and had not been for hundreds of years (and even a thousand years) or more before Joseph Smith.
And there’s *no denying* that Mormons (*right here* on this board) will deny the doctrines of Christianity that come from the Council of Nicea (one of the “foundational teachings” of Christianity about the Deity of Christ, pertaining to the “Trinity”) — as *not valid* and as only the “teachings of man”... I’ve heard that from too many Mormons here and too many times for it to be denied by Mormons.
As I said — it’s *so obvious* from the Mormons *themselves* when they post here and *deny* those historic, basic and foundational doctrines...
Today is Tea Party day because out constitution is so far removed.
And is the same point that is being made about the Bible it was so far removed from the original word of the Lord.
One is a spititual document Bible and the other is our document that was given from the Lord to our Founding fathers for a free people.
In the Bible the Lord warn many time that his gosple was being changed many are dreamers and want to believe the book the Bible is infallible.
The words of the Lord is infalliable but what men do with the Words of the Lord is not infallible to think that the designs of men could not happen.
You have warnings in various books and also in Galatians the Lord is telling Paul as he speaks the those around him are changing the Lord’s Gospel.
When there was no longer apostles on earth in the early AD’s what a picnic they many must have had.
One of he mission of Joseph Smith was to restore the Plain and Precious Truths that was removed or alterd in the Bible.
Okay, about you people and the Niceans.
WHERE DO THEY GET OFF WITH THEIR TRINITY STUFF SINCE IT IS NOT IN THE BIBLE?????????????????????????????????????????????