I’m referring to the increasing sexualization of culture in general. F’rinstance, here in my very small, rural and conservative town a porn store opened on the main street (all of 3 or 4 blocks long). Right by where grade school and high school kids walk every day. There was a petition with hundreds of signatures, and more letters to the editor of our weekly paper than I’ve ever seen, protesting it.
But OR law recently ordained that porn shops and live sex shows (not on main street, yet...) are a-okay and the local populace have no say in the matter.
Sexually suggestive ads that would have been considered unacceptable a few years ago are now considered fine, but the end is not in sight. How much more degraded does the culture have to get before some people who currently think it’s fine see the light?
It’s called “dumbing deviancy down”. And the pushers are still digging.
Despite the glibness, I do not disagree with you about the rampant sexuality in commerce, particularly as we are seeing it trending towards younger and younger children.