All you need to do is change one word and you create a whole new theology...God warns about changing words in His Scripture...
Mat 28:2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
The angel is not just any angel...Not just AN angel...It is THE angel...And you can bet a better description of Him in the book of Revelation...
First, I did not change anything. The majority of Bible versions in use today use "an angel" and not "the angel".
Second, whether 'an' or 'the' is used in this verse doesn't change things a bit since this angel does not speak as if he is God as is the case in the many other instances of where "the angel" of the Lord is quoted.
Third, you said that "in all encounters with angels in the scriptures, they all appeared as men", which I proved is not true because the angel in Matthew 28:3 looked like lightening. You can argue over articles all you want, but it doesn't matter if it is "the angel" or "an angel" it is still one of "all" the angels you say appear only as men.