Most immigrants are on welfare to start ...An interesting claim. NONE of my immigrant relatives have EVER been on welfare. What data supports your claim?
Immigrants in the United States, 2007: A profile of America's Foreign-Born Population
The proportion of immigrant-headed households using at least one major welfare program is 33 percent, compared to 19 percent for native households.
The poverty rate for immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) is 17 percent, nearly 50 percent higher than the rate for natives and their children.
34 percent of immigrants lack health insurance, compared to 13 percent of natives. Immigrants and their U.S.-born children account for 71 percent of the increase in the uninsured since 1989.
The current influx of poorly educated immigrants is the result of two factors: first, a legal immigration system that favors kinship ties over skills and education; and second, a permissive attitude toward illegal immigration that has led to lax border enforcement and non-enforcement of the laws that prohibit the employment of illegal immigrants. In recent years, these factors have produced an inflow of some ten and a half million immigrants who lack a high school education. In terms of increased poverty and expanded government expenditure, this importation of poorly educated immigrants has had roughly the same effect as the addition of ten and a half million native-born high school drop-outs.
Some 38 percent of immigrant children live in families headed by persons who lack a high school education; Minor children of first-generation immigrants comprise 26 percent of poor children in the U.S.; and One out of six poor children in the U.S. is the offspring of first-generation immigrant parents who lack a high school diploma.
First-generation Hispanic immigrants and their families now comprise 9 percent of the U.S. population but 17 percent of all poor persons in the U.S.; and Children in Hispanic immigrant families now comprise 11.7 percent of all children in the U.S. but 22 percent of all poor children in the U.S.
This article is about Europe not the US. It is very difficult to obtain employment in Europe as an immigrant and thus many have to be on welfare or some other support.
OK sorry the article about everywhere didn’t read it all the way through.