in a conversion of the heart to the truths of the Catholic Church that is necessary
Thanks for your kind reply.
I believe that it would be the above that Prottys would still have to disagree with on Biblical grounds.
There’s just far too much dogmatic stuff that we find wholesale heretical to the max.
Seems to me that lands us back, functionally, to essentially the same thing. Formal agreement and public initiation into the IN-GROUP is NOT that different from requiring at least mental/heart assent to the list of dogmatic particulars.
And, further, functionally, per my experience with probably the majority of RC’s I’ve known up close and personal . . .
They REALLY DID NOT BELIEVE a list of the particulars in their heart of hearts . . . and felt quite comfortable rebelling against such . . . whether it was birth control or even abortion or not thinking that much of the Pope or hierarchy or some such list of things . . .
they went through some minimal list of rituals, that they personally construed to be sufficient—then they were home safe.
Which, from my perspective, boiled down to . . . “IF I GO THROUGH THESE FEW SHALLOW MOTIONS, I’M HOME SAFE WITH GOD, THE CHURCH AND GRANDMA. And that’s enough, thank you very much. Now back to business and dog eat dog as usual.”
I never found that particularly spiritually impressive nor convincing.
IF I GO THROUGH THESE FEW SHALLOW MOTIONS, IM HOME SAFE WITH GOD. I never found that particularly spiritually impressive nor convincing.”
That misinterpretation is where many Protestants go astray with their beliefs of what Catholics are and what the Catholic Church is. Many Protestants and especially Calvinists and some Evangelicals, are socialized to believe these myths about the Catholic Church. Indeed, many on here have been informed many times of improper beliefs on certain doctrine and the same spew is rolled out yet again. It gets right to the question of this thread, “Is Anti-Catholicism Dead?”
If you love Christ, you love what he loved: His Mother, His Saints, and His Church. You say you have faith, show me your works of love.