To: Centurion2000
Prof. Myers, kind of you to join us.
115 posted on
07/10/2008 9:19:19 AM PDT by
(Scripture & Tradition must be accepted & honored w/equal sentiments of devotion & reverence. CCC 82)
To: Petronski; Centurion2000
No, this guy claims to believe in God, so it can't be Prof. Myers.
Oh, by the way Centurion2000, there wouldn't be a conservative movement if it weren't for certain "cracker worshippers."
116 posted on
07/10/2008 9:21:00 AM PDT by
("If the angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion." -M. Kolbe)
To: Petronski
Prof. Myers, kind of you to join us. Not at all. Do I find what he is doing to be wrong? Yup.
Is threatening someone over what he is planning to do wrong? Yep.
Just because you believe it does not make it a fact. And being a conservative does not mean that we have to defend a religious ritual.
118 posted on
07/10/2008 9:21:52 AM PDT by
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