Typical LDS counterfeit belief systems attempt to deny God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit as all one God, but instead attempt to identify them as three distinct Beings.
Simple faith in the person of Jesus Christ, one with God the Father, who is the I AM, who provided the Perfect Sacrifice for the propitiation of the Father in the sin offering, frees God in His immutable nature to grace us with eternal life by the regeneration of our human spirit, i.e. a human spirit life, sealed for Him.
Accordingly, such doctrines espoused by Mormons denies the identity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Himself, reducing their belief system to that of a cult.
Furthermore, even though many in leadership positions of the LDS/Mormon cult have an insatiable power lust, to the point of declaring amongst themselves they have the ability to pronounce who shall and who shall not have eternal life, they still are grossly impotent to bestow eternal life on any human, a task only performed by God the Holy Spirit, through faith in our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.
Perhaps more revealing of the Mormon deviance from truth is the penchant to be adversarial without ever loving their fellow man as Christ loves him, and communicating the Gospel or sound doctrine.
There is great confusion amongst Mormons, failing to love their fellow man as Christ loved us, and mistaking the opposition to their heretical theologies as hatred for Mormons. Each and every member of the LDS/Mormon church has the opportunity to return to God by simple faith alone in Christ alone, who is the same God as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
I would encourage those influenced by LDS doctrines to first focus on studying the Holy Bible and the Gospels and Epistles, independent of any other tradition, and doing so first by confessing any known and unknown sin to God through God the SOn, what He has provided for salvation, and allow God to guide their understanding.
The Word of God is not without effect. When studied by those out of fellowship, it hardens their hearts.
Well said.