Those who are deceived by Calvin and his fantasies made at the wise age of 27 are in danger of perveting the Word of God.
Limited Atonement and a predestined elect are but two that attempt to limit the full powers of God. Chris is not limited in his salvific powers.
...and to qu0te you, “implicit trust in her (substitute Calvin) is historically shown to be dangerous, and is damnable to souls deceived by her. For whom we pray.”
“Limited Atonement and a predestined elect...”
Actually i reject the doctrine of Limited Atonement (there are even some “4 point Calvinists also), and find such Biblically reproved, and unnecessary to the rest of the TULIP, and their reasoning unwarranted (the failure of some to come to the wedding feast (Mt. 22:1-14) does not attribute inadequacy to the host, likewise neither nor does the rejection of the atonement).
As for predestination of Calvin, on that issue you must also denigrate Catholics like Augustine. I do not concur with all of TULIP, and cannot substantiate that non-elect infants are damned due to being culpable with Adam’s sin (Dt. 24:16; Rev. 20:13), nor do i believe we must fully reconcile the the dichotomy between God’s manifest sovereignty and man’s responsibility. God does seem to unconditionally sovereignly elect (Rm. 9), and sinful man cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws him (Jn. 6:44) and grants “repentance unto life” (Acts 11:18), but “God commandeth all men every where to repent”(Acts 17:300 as if they had the ability to do so, and so must this be the call of the born again preacher.
implicit trust in her (substitute Calvin) is historically shown to be dangerous,”
Indeed, implicit trust in any man is ultimately dangerous, but this is not what sola Scriptura fosters, for though the Scriptures command obedience to rulers (Heb. 13:17), and establishes the necessity of teaches and inter dependence (1 Cor. 12), yet we are admonished “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes” (Psa 118:9). We may trust the Lord to guide them as we yield to Him, but we are shown by the Lord and His Holy Spirit that lovers of truth should prove all teaching by that which explicitly declared to be inspired, which is the Scriptures (Mk. 7:5:13; 22:23-33; Lk. 24:27; Acts 17:11, 18:28; 1 Ths. 5:21, 2 Tim. 3:16. etc.). To God be the glory.