I think there’s something in the Bible about no man knowing the day or hour. In other words, the only way this guy is right is if by blind luck.
You think??? You don't study the scripture???
But you are right...But why do you guys ignore the verses that say we (Christians) will KNOW the TIMES, and the SEASONS??? If you're a Christian, and you love God's word, you will know the times and the seasons when HE shall show up...
means only one day, that is the YHvH commanded Feast day of Trumpets. It only occurs when three stars and the new cresent moonFor anyone who has read and understands the Holy Word of Elohim
shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach Adonai
the phrase "not know the day nor hour"
is viewed over Jerusalem by the members of the Sanhedrin.
“I think theres something in the Bible about no man knowing the day or hour.”
That’s true but if he’s right, which I doubt, the rapture could be between now and up to exactly 7 years before the return. So the day and hour is still not known. But is that passage talking about the second coming or when Jesus comes in the clouds?
You are right...even JESUS doesn’t know ‘when’. FWIW...luck is a derivative of lucifer.
I wonder if that verse has been removed from their copies, or do they think He was lying?