Also, this is an "open" thread on the Religion Forum.
Devotional threads are closed to debate of any kind.
Caucus threads are closed to any poster who is not a member of the caucus. If it says Catholic Caucus and you are not Catholic, do not post to the thread. However, if the poster of the caucus welcomes you, I will not boot you from the thread.
Ecumenic threads in this trial run are closed to all anti arguments. Posters who try to tear down others beliefs or use subterfuge to accomplish the same goal are the disrupters on ecumenic threads and will be booted from the thread and/or suspended.
Open threads are a town square posters may argue for or against beliefs of any kind. They may tear down other's beliefs. They may ridicule, similar to the Smoky Backroom with the exception that a poster must never make it personal. Reading minds and attributing motives are forms of making it personal. Thin-skinned posters will be booted from open threads because in the town square, they are the disrupters.
If I have been deleted, why is that awful Always Right allowed to continue to spew his/her venom? I was merely attempting to defend my religion against those whom seek to smear and disparage it with bald-faced lies such as our worship of Mary. Let’s face it, many have this agenda which overbears their sanctimonious averments of rational discourse. Like putting the wolf in sheep’s clothing (for those in Rio Linda).