Always has been, always will be.
I believe that God's Word has final authority, (so does He), and I seek out others that do also. The result is the church where I regularly worship. If that were to change I would seek elsewhere to worship.
A couple of observations that loosely tie in to the topic at hand, with Marian Dogmas as an illustration.
1) What would be regarded as a non-essential doctrine in a non-denominational Christian/Protestant church is regarded as essential doctrine in the Roman Catholic Church.
Ex: Where I regularly worship, one could believe that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven at or after her death and enjoy full fellowship with us. It's not essential for salvation.
2) Roman Catholics confuse conditional and positional truths as found in the Scriptures.
Ex: The need for continual propitiatory sacrifice (they will state that it's the same sacrifice perpetuated through time) through the mass, although in numerous passages of Scripture it states that positionally before God we, as Christians, are justified. That's because no more sacrifices for sin need to be made - Jesus or otherwise by anyone. Jesus is done with the sacrifice work. It started and was consummated on Calvary. It's done, but the application continues to this day.
That leaves us with conditional sin, and I'll leave that for another time because I have other items to deal with tonight.
Of course we will say so, for it IS so.
Ex: The need for continual propitiatory sacrifice (they will state that it's the same sacrifice perpetuated through time) through the mass, although in numerous passages of Scripture it states that positionally before God we, as Christians, are justified. That's because no more sacrifices for sin need to be made - Jesus or otherwise by anyone. Jesus is done with the sacrifice work. It started and was consummated on Calvary. It's done, but the application continues to this day.
AMEN! For those with ears to hear.