Wrong. The important thing is that this is a strawman argument falsely claiming that the Church “worships” Mary and then slamming the Church for doing so. The EXACT same kind of lie that Jack Chick and many other haters tell. It is false to fact. It is a lie. One in a long string of lies posted by Dr E.
It is not wrong.
This sermon was written by Charles Spurgeon long before Jack Chick was even born. It is classic reformation belief.
Look in any protestant history book and you will see it to be true.
What part do you object to most vehemently?
You continue to bring up the name of "Jack Chick" when the RM has asked you not to.
One in a long string of lies posted by Dr E.
I have posted no lies. Some people simply don't care to hear the truth and so they strike back, calling people names and "making it personal."
Are these words from Father Manelli also a lie:
"The words "dear Coredemptrix" express most exactly soteriological value of the Blessed Virgin Marys maternal mission in the tones of a pure theologia cordis. She coredeemed humanity by offering the divine Victim, her Son Jesus, in the bloody immolation of the Cross, and co-immolating herself with Him in order to "restore supernatural life to souls" (LG 61), became in this way our "Mother in the order of grace" (LG 1.c.) (18). She "gave birth to us in sorrows," affirms St. Pio. She is, therefore, the Mother Coredemptrix." [Padre Pio amd Mary Coredemptrix]
Is there anything there that you disagree with???