I also want to know, will the forum rules now be EQUALLY ENFORCED on "open" threads...or will certain posters continue to be allowed to post ad hominems and be tolerated?
Not naming names, of course.
>>I also want to know, will the forum rules now be EQUALLY ENFORCED on “open” threads...or will certain posters continue to be allowed to post ad hominems and be tolerated?
Not naming names, of course. <<
Can you give us an example then?
I will do my very best to read every post and apply the guidelines equally.
ad hominems are quite tolerable . . . it makes evident who has the weaker points . . .
IT’S THE PERSONAL ATTACKS some are so oft getting by with . . . that annoys me far more.
And even that would be tolerable if it were even-handed.
Alas, it’s been long clear that the RC’s throw so much dust in the air, that either the mods get weary or so bothered by their whining and abuse button sitting that those the whiners are whining about are called down instead of the whiners.
I’d love to see some change in THAT!
BTW, I don’t really have any complaints about our regular RM.
it’s the pinch hitters that I think are most given to DOUBLE STANDARDS.