How old is the earth?
Let me ask you a question. Assuming (please humor me for just a moment) that on the Sixth Day of Creaton G-d literally credited a literal physically mature Adam and Eve, how old would they have been? Granted that they would have looked like people who (in our experience) have lived about twenty years. Would the fact that they had adult bodies have made them actually twenty years old? Well, would it?
Are you going to claim that G-d could not have created the first human couple in a mature state because that would make Him a "liar" (since in our experience mature bodies imply growth from infancy and ultimately from a zygote)?
This is the year 5768 from creation. All human history is included in that period of time, and the entire history of the universe is included in that period of time and the six days prior. The fact that natural processes as we know them today would require billions of years for certain things to happen do not in any way whatsoever mean that they could not have been (like Adam and Eve) created in a state that, by the laws of nature as we experience them, would have required a much greater period of time.
But of course G-d wouldn't do that, would He? At least people who think nature is holier than the Torah say He wouldn't. That would make Him (they say) a "liar." Never mind that the alternative makes Him out to be a "liar" anyway because His words in the Torah would not be true.
So if G-d is a "liar" (chas veshalom!) either in nature or in the Torah, I know which one is His Perfect Revelation--and it ain't nature!
But never mind. Perhaps you will tell your co-religionists (pinged above) that they are "un-Catholic" because they don't accept uniformitarianism.