What is wrong with you? It's not like we've been denying many of our doctrines are only alluded to in Scripture.
What is wrong with me? Look at the title of this thread, 'sola scriptura' and your refusal to accept this belief because there is no specific verse (even though the principle is indeed strongly alluded to in I Cor. 4:6; Col. 2:8; II Tim. 3:16-17). You go on a complete witch hunt bashing protestants and cry foul when someone else points out to you that some of your doctrines are not specifically found either. That's what's wrong with me!
When it comes to YOUR completely unscriptural doctrines that are in complete contradiction to specific verses (Rom. 3:28, ALL have sinned, you can't even find anything 'alluding' to the sinlessness of Mary ANYWHERE in the New Testament or Old) hey, that's OKAY!
Are you so blind you can't even see the remotest hypocrisy in this at all?