You mean like Baptists who condemn dancing, smoking, social drinking, and mixed-sex swimming?
Those burdens would, of course, be directly revealed by God in the clear words of Scripture, right? Maybe in the First Letter of Paul to the Confusions, around chapter 4?
Protestants haven't a leg to stand on when it comes to adding burdens on people; they do it all the time and have for centuries. Ask the Puritans about all the freedom they'll give you to celebrate Christmas.
Regarding Christmas, lots of folks avoid celebration on Christmas Day because, as it turns out, that's a very holy day. The celebrations are done earlier ~ December 5, December 15, December 24, or later, January 6 - 12 maybe (depending on ethnicity and time and place).
Now, have you abandoned that most ancient of customs ~ to make the home a holy place where no vile words are spoken and no evil acts are done?
That's the one that comes before keeping the Sabbath you know ~
If your home is not a place of peace then what is it?