Finally I can say Kennedy did something right. I wish the others were denied.... as they should have been
I’m not sure Kenneddy was up to the long walk.
> Finally I can say Kennedy did something right. I wish the others were denied.... as they should have been
Informed self-interest, probably. He didn’t want to burst into flame, or be smitten by lightening bolts. Darkness doth abhor the Light.
As much as I detest this kennedy...he DID do the right thing.
The more upsetting thing to me though is why the Pope nor the Cardinal Arinze didn’t follow through on what they said regardin pro abortion politicians and Holy Eucharist. They just let it slip by. How are other Catholics supposed to do what is right then? There’s one rule for politicians, celebrities and clergy and other rules for the average Joe, the average Catholic. This is very disturbing and the Pope should admonish them for going against his word. Otherwise, what good IS his word???
Maybe he was too drunk to stand up?