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The Coming Home Network ^ | Brian W. Harrison

Posted on 03/24/2008 3:36:37 PM PDT by annalex


by Brian W. Harrison

As an active Protestant in my mid-twenties I began to feel that I might have a vocation to become a minister. The trouble was that while I had quite definite convictions about the things that most Christians have traditionally held in common—the sort of thing C.S. Lewis termed "mere Christianity."

I had had some firsthand experience with several denominations (Presbyterian, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist) and was far from certain as to which of them (if any) had an overall advantage over the others. So I began to think, study, search, and pray. Was there a true Church? If so, how was one to decide which?

The more I studied, the more perplexed I became. At one stage my elder sister, a very committed evangelical with somewhat flexible denominational affiliations, chided me with becoming "obsessed" with trying to find a "true Church." "Does it really matter?" she would ask. Well, yes it did. It was all very well for a lay Protestant to relegate the denominational issue to a fairly low priority amongst religious questions: lay people can go to one Protestant Church one week and another the next week and nobody really worries too much. But an ordained minister obviously cannot do that. He must make a very serious commitment to a definite Church community, and under normal circumstances that commitment will be expected to last a lifetime. So clearly that choice had to be made with a deep sense of responsibility; and the time to make it was before, not after, ordination.

As matters turned out, my search lasted several years, and eventually led me to where I never suspected it would at first. I shall not attempt to relate the full story, but will focus on just one aspect of the question as it developed for me—an aspect which seems quite fundamental.

As I groped and prayed my way towards a decision, I came close to despair and agnosticism at times, as I contemplated the mountains of erudition, the vast labyrinth of conflicting interpretations of Christianity (not to mention other faiths) which lined the shelves of religious bookshops and libraries. If all the "experts" on Truth—the great theologians, historians, philosophers—disagreed interminably with each other, then how did God, if He was really there, expect me, an ordinary Joe Blow, to work out what was true?

The more I became enmeshed in specific questions of Biblical interpretation—of who had the right understanding of justification, of the Eucharist, Baptism, grace, Christology, Church government and discipline, and so on—the more I came to feel that this whole-line of approach was a hopeless quest, a blind alley. These were all questions that required a great deal of erudition, learning, competence in Biblical exegesis, patristics, history, metaphysics, ancient languages—in short, scholarly research. But was it really credible (I began to ask myself) that God, if He were to reveal the truth about these disputed questions at all, would make this truth so inaccessible that only a small scholarly elite had even the faintest chance of reaching it? Wasn’t that a kind of gnosticism? Where did it leave the nonscholarly bulk of the human race? It didn’t seem to make sense. If, as they say, war is too important to be left to the generals, then revealed truth seemed too important to be left to the Biblical scholars. It was no use saying that perhaps God simply expected the non-scholars to trust the scholars. How were they to know which scholars to trust, given that the scholars all contradicted each other?

Therefore, in my efforts to break out of the dense exegetical undergrowth where I could not see the wood for the trees, I shifted towards a new emphasis in my truth-seeking criteria: I tried to get beyond the bewildering mass of contingent historical and linguistic data upon which the rival exegetes and theologians constructed their doctrinal castles, in order to concentrate on those elemental, necessary principles of human thought which are accessible to all of us, learned and unlearned alike. In a word, I began to suspect that an emphasis on logic, rather than on research, might expedite an answer to my prayers for guidance.

The advantage was that you don’t need to be learned to be logical. You need not have spent years amassing mountains of information in libraries in order to apply the first principles of reason. You can apply them from the comfort of your armchair, so to speak, in order to test the claims of any body of doctrine, on any subject whatsoever, that comes claiming your acceptance. Moreover logic, like mathematics, yields firm certitude, not mere changeable opinions and provisional hypotheses. Logic is the first natural "beacon of light" with which God has provided us as intelligent beings living in a world darkened by the confusion of countless conflicting attitudes, doctrines and world-views, all telling us how to live our lives during this brief time that is given to us here on earth.

Logic of course has its limits. Pure "armchair" reasoning alone will never be able to tell you the meaning of your life and how you should live it. But as far as it goes, logic is an indispensable tool, and I even suspect that you sin against God, the first Truth, if you knowingly flout or ignore it in your thinking. "Thou shalt not contradict thyself" seems to me an important precept of the natural moral law. Be that as it may, I found that the main use of logic, in my quest for religious truth, turned out to be in deciding not what was true, but what was false. If someone presents you with a system of ideas or doctrines which logical analysis reveals to be coherent—that is, free from internal contradictions and meaningless absurdities—then you can conclude, "This set of ideas may be true. It has at least passed the first test of truth—the coherence test." To find out if it actually is true you will then have to leave your logician’s armchair and seek further information. But if it fails this most elementary test of truth, it can safely be eliminated without further ado from the ideological competition, no matter how many impressive-looking volumes of erudition may have been written in support of it, and no matter how attractive and appealing many of its features (or many of its proponents) may appear.

Some readers may wonder why I am laboring the point about logic. Isn’t all this perfectly obvious? Well, it ought to be obvious to everyone, and is indeed obvious to many, including those who have had the good fortune of receiving a classical Catholic education. Catholicism, as I came to discover, has a quite positive approach to our natural reasoning powers, and traditionally has its future priests study philosophy for years before they even begin theology. But I came from a religious milieu where this outlook was not encouraged, and was often even discouraged. The Protestant Reformers taught that original sin has so weakened the human intellect that we must be extremely cautious about the claims of "proud reason." Luther called reason the "devil’s whore"—a siren which seduced men into grievous error. "Don’t trust your reason, just bow humbly before God’s truth revealed to you in His holy Word, the Bible!"—this was pretty much the message that came through to me from the Calvinist and Lutheran circles that influenced me most in the first few years after I made my "decision for Christ" at the age of 18. The Reformers themselves were forced to employ reason even while denouncing it, in their efforts to rebut the Biblical arguments of their "Papist" foes. And that, it seemed to me, was rather illogical on their part.



Thus, with my awakening interest in logical analysis as a test of religious truth, I was naturally led to ask whether this illogicality in the practice of the Reformers was, perhaps, accompanied by illogicality at the more fundamental level of their theory. As a good Protestant I had been brought up to hold as sacred the basic methodological principle of the Reformation: that the Bible alone contains all the truth that God has revealed for our salvation. Churches that held to that principle were at least "respectable," one was given to understand, even though they might differ considerably from each other in regard to the interpretation of Scripture. But as for Roman Catholicism and other Churches which unashamedly added their own traditions to the Word of God—were they not self-evidently outside the pale? Were they not condemned out of their own mouths?

But when I got down to making a serious attempt to explore the implications of this rock-bottom dogma of the Reformers, I could not avoid the conclusion that it was rationally indefensible. This is demonstrated in the following eight steps, which embody nothing more than simple, commonsense logic, and a couple of indisputable, empirically observable facts about the Bible:

1. The Reformers asserted Proposition A: "All revealed truth is to be found in the inspired Scriptures." However, this is quite useless unless we know which books are meant by the "inspired Scriptures." After all, many different sects and religions have many different books, which they call "inspired Scriptures."

2. The theory we are considering, when it talks of "inspired Scriptures," means in fact those 66 books, which are bound and published in Protestant Bibles. For convenience we shall refer to them from now on simply as "the 66 books."

3. The precise statement of the theory we are examining thus becomes Proposition B: "All revealed truth is to be found in the 66 books."

4. It is a fact that nowhere in the 66 books themselves can we find any statements telling us which books make up the entire corpus of inspired Scripture. There is no complete list of inspired books anywhere within their own pages, nor can such a list be compiled by putting isolated verses together. (This would be the case: (a) if you could find verses like "Esther is the Word of God," "This Gospel is inspired by God," "The Second Letter of Peter is inspired Scripture," etc., for all of the 66 books; and (b) if you could also find a Biblical passage stating that no books other than these 66 were to be held as inspired. Obviously, nobody could even pretend to find all this information about the canon of Scripture in the Bible itself.)

5. It follows that Proposition B—the very foundation of all Protestant Christianity—is neither found in Scripture nor can be deduced from Scripture in any way. Since the 66 books are not even identified in Scripture, much less can any further information about them (e.g., that all revealed truth is contained in them) be found there. In short, we must affirm Proposition C: "Proposition B is an addition to the 66 books. "

6. It follows immediately from the truth of Proposition C that Proposition B cannot itself be revealed truth. To assert that it is would involve a self-contradictory statement: "All revealed truth is to be found in the 66 books, but this revealed truth itself is not found there."

7. Could it be the case that Proposition B is true, but is not revealed truth? If that is the case, then it must be either something which can be deduced from revealed truth or something which natural human reason alone can discover, without any help from revelation. The first possibility is ruled out because, as we saw in steps 4 and 5, B cannot be deduced from Scripture, and to postulate some other revealed extra-Scriptural premise from which B might be deduced would contradict B itself. The second possibility involves no self-contradiction, but it is factually preposterous, and I doubt whether any Protestant has seriously tried to defend it—least of all those traditional Protestants who strongly emphasize the corruption of man’s natural intellectual powers as a result of the Fall. Human reason might well be able to conclude prudently and responsibly that an authority which itself claimed to possess the totality of revealed truth was in fact justified in making that claim, provided that this authority backed up the claim by some very striking evidence. (Catholics, in fact, believe that their Church is precisely such an authority.) But how could reason alone reach that same well-founded certitude about a collection of 66 books which do not even lay claim to what is attributed to them? (The point is reinforced when we remember that those who attribute the totality of revealed truth to the 66 books, namely Protestant Church members, are very ready to acknowledge their own fallibility—whether individually or collectively—in matters of religious doctrine. All Protestant Churches deny their own infallibility as much as they deny the Pope’s.)

8. Since Proposition B is not revealed truth, nor a truth which can be deduced from revelation, nor a naturally-knowable truth, it is not true at all. Therefore, the basic doctrine for which the Reformers fought is simply false.


How did the Reformers try to cope with this fundamental weakness in the logical structure of their own first principles? John Calvin, usually credited with being the most systematic and coherent thinker of the Reformation, tried to justify belief in the divine authorship of the 66 books by dogmatically postulating a direct communication of this knowledge from God to the individual believer. Calvin makes it clear that in saying Scripture is "self-authenticated," he does not mean to be taken literally and absolutely. He does not mean that some Bible text or other affirms that the 66 books, and they alone, are divinely inspired. As we observed in step 4 above, nobody ever could claim anything so patently false. Calvin simply means that no extra-Biblical human testimony, such as that of Church tradition, is needed in order for individuals to know that these books are inspired. We can summarize his view as Proposition D: "The Holy Spirit teaches Christians individually, by a direct inward testimony, that the 66 books are inspired by God. "

The trouble is that the Holy Spirit Himself is an extra-Biblical authority as much as a Pope or Council. The third Person of the Trinity is clearly not identical with the truths He has expressed, through human authors, in the Bible. It follows that even if Calvin’s Proposition D is true, it contradicts Proposition B, for "if all revealed truth is to be found in the 66 books," then that leaves no room for the Holy Spirit to reveal directly and non-verbally one truth which cannot be found in any passage of those books, namely, the fact that each one of them is inspired.

In any case, even if Calvin could somehow show that D did not itself contradict B, he would still not have succeeded in showing that B is true. Even if we were to accept the extremely implausible view represented by Proposition D, that would not prove that no other writings are inspired, and much less would it prove that there are no revealed truths that come to us through tradition rather than through inspired writings. In short, Calvin’s defense of Biblical inspiration in no way overthrows our eight-step disproof of the sola Scriptura principle. Indeed, it does not even attempt to establish that principle as a whole, but only one aspect of it—that is, which books are to be understood by the term "Scriptura."

The schizoid history of Protestantism itself bears witness to the original inner contradiction which marked its conception and birth. Conservative Protestants have maintained the original insistence on the Bible as the unique infallible source of revealed truth, at the price of logical incoherence. Liberals on the other hand have escaped the incoherence while maintaining the claim to "private interpretation" over against that of Popes and Councils, but at the price of abandoning the Reformers’ insistence on an infallible Bible. They thereby effectively replace revealed truth by human opinion, and faith by an autonomous reason. Thus, in the liberal/evangelical split within Protestantism since the 18th century, we see both sides teaching radically opposed doctrines, even while each claims to be the authentic heir of the Reformation. The irony is that both sides are right: their conflicting beliefs are simply the two horns of a dilemma, which has been tearing at the inner fabric of Protestantism ever since its turbulent beginnings.

Reflections such as these from a Catholic onlooker may seem a little hard or unyielding to some—ill-suited, perhaps, to a climate of ecumenical dialogue in which gentle suggestion, rather than blunt affirmation, is the preferred mode of discourse. But logic is of its very nature hard and unyielding; and insofar as truth and honesty are to be the hallmarks of true ecumenism, the claims of logic will have to be squarely faced, not politely avoided.


Fr. Brian Harrison is currently teaching at the Pontifical University of Puerto Rico in Ponce.

TOPICS: Catholic; Ecumenism
KEYWORDS: fallacy; harrison
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To: papertyger
That is similarly fuzzy in that the standards of that test are unknown except those in judgement reckoned the apostle to be in conformity to The Old Testament. The New Testament had yet to establish it's bona fides at the time.

Of course, but the principle of testing against scripture is laid down.

I am unaware of any contention that only an "apostle can interpret scripture or test an apostle against scripture" but similarly there is no Holy Writ saying just anyone can interpret Scripture or test apostles.

I think it's considered to be a spiritual gift granted to some by the Holy Spirit.

Again, the Old Testament had been long established and needed no validation. The same can not be said for any letter floating around claiming to be from an apostle of the Lord.

Wait. Are you saying that the New Testament isn't scripture and the Tanakh is? I thought that we agreed that the New Testament was scripture with the same authority as the Old.

301 posted on 03/25/2008 3:35:39 PM PDT by dan1123 (If you want to find a person's true religion, ask them what makes them a "good person".)
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To: suzyjaruki

I should have said “He”, the Holy Spirit.

The point is, the author is correct when he says that whether the Holy Spirit advises a particular individual or not, that would be an extra-scriptural fact if He does.

302 posted on 03/25/2008 3:35:43 PM PDT by annalex (
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To: dan1123
Christianity is very simple and does not need the Catholic superstructure ...

And you have tens of thousands of denominations to prove it, right?

303 posted on 03/25/2008 3:37:02 PM PDT by papertyger (changing words quickly metastasizes into changing facts -- Ann Coulter)
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To: papertyger
Diversity is our Strength.


304 posted on 03/25/2008 3:38:34 PM PDT by Petronski (Nice job, Hillary. Now go home and get your shine box.)
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To: papertyger
And you have tens of thousands of denominations to prove it, right?

And they make claims of exclusivity to belief. Not of membership to a human organization.

305 posted on 03/25/2008 3:45:38 PM PDT by dan1123 (If you want to find a person's true religion, ask them what makes them a "good person".)
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To: dan1123
You have to ask yourself. If it wasn't necessary for salvation to the first Christians, why is it necessary now?

Just curious - what do you think the Church today requires for Salvation that It did not in the first days?

306 posted on 03/25/2008 3:51:30 PM PDT by thefrankbaum
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To: dan1123
Of course, but the principle of testing against scripture is laid down.

That's a pretty broad statement. I would agree qualifying an apostle against the OT was practiced. Further than that I'm not willing to go.

I think it's considered to be a spiritual gift granted to some by the Holy Spirit.

Validated by whom?

Wait. Are you saying that the New Testament isn't scripture and the Tanakh is? I thought that we agreed that the New Testament was scripture with the same authority as the Old.,p>We agree that it is "now."

We know from Scripture that there were forgeries of apostlic letters floating about, and cautioned about them by St. Paul. St. Peter also cautioned us against those that twist the writings of St. Paul.

There is no reason to warn against deception if there were no chance of deception.

307 posted on 03/25/2008 4:00:50 PM PDT by papertyger (changing words quickly metastasizes into changing facts -- Ann Coulter)
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To: papertyger; Quix
Affirmed by the Church Universal at large in the world 300-400 years after the writing of it . . .

Do you agree with all of the statement?

The church Councils only acknowledged the Canon that had long been accepted by the local churches.

308 posted on 03/25/2008 4:02:01 PM PDT by fortheDeclaration ("Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people".-John Adams)
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To: annalex
"(1) Whenever Peter is referred to in this passage it is in the second person ("you"), but "this rock" is in the third person. (2) "Peter" (petros) is a masculine singular term and "rock" (petra) is feminine singular. Hence, they do not have the same referent. And even if Jesus did speak these words in Aramaic (which does not distinguish genders), the inspired Greek original does make such distinctions. (3) What is more, the same authority Jesus gave to Peter (Matt. 16:18) is given later to all the apostles (Matt. 18:18). (4) Great authorities, some Catholic, can be cited in agreement with this interpretation, including John Chrysostom and St. Augustine. The latter wrote: "On this rock, therefore, He said, which thou hast confessed. I will build my Church. For the Rock (petra) is Christ; and on this foundation was Peter himself built."[13]"


309 posted on 03/25/2008 4:02:40 PM PDT by dan1123 (If you want to find a person's true religion, ask them what makes them a "good person".)
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To: dan1123
And they make claims of exclusivity to belief. Not of membership to a human organization.


310 posted on 03/25/2008 4:03:06 PM PDT by papertyger (changing words quickly metastasizes into changing facts -- Ann Coulter)
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To: papertyger
Validated by whom?

Why even bother arguing if you don't trust yourself to interpret the Bible?

311 posted on 03/25/2008 4:05:41 PM PDT by dan1123 (If you want to find a person's true religion, ask them what makes them a "good person".)
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To: thefrankbaum
Just curious - what do you think the Church today requires for Salvation that It did not in the first days?

Confessions to a priest, prayers to dead saints, baptism into the Catholic Church (that didn't exist yet), confessions of certain sins over others, confessions of any sin (remembered, realized or not) as a requirement to keep your salvation.

312 posted on 03/25/2008 4:11:09 PM PDT by dan1123 (If you want to find a person's true religion, ask them what makes them a "good person".)
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To: papertyger
There is no reason to warn against deception if there were no chance of deception.

Are you saying there is no chance of deception now that the New Testament has been canonized?

313 posted on 03/25/2008 4:12:46 PM PDT by dan1123 (If you want to find a person's true religion, ask them what makes them a "good person".)
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To: dan1123
...baptism into the Catholic Church (that didn't exist yet)...

Why? Because YOU say so?

LOL   Riiiiight.

314 posted on 03/25/2008 4:14:29 PM PDT by Petronski (Nice job, Hillary. Now go home and get your shine box.)
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To: Petronski
Why? Because YOU say so?

LOL Riiiiight.

Maybe you can go back in time and tell the Messianics celebrating Passover, speaking in Greek, being persecuted by Rome, that they were baptized into the Roman Catholic Church (and that they weren't attending Latin Mass like they should).

315 posted on 03/25/2008 4:23:39 PM PDT by dan1123 (If you want to find a person's true religion, ask them what makes them a "good person".)
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To: dan1123
The authority of the Church is not based solely on the renaming of Peter episode, but also, and, in fact, primarily on
15 But if thy brother shall offend against thee, go, and rebuke him between thee and him alone. If he shall hear thee, thou shalt gain thy brother. 16 And if he will not hear thee, take with thee one or two more: that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may stand. 17 And if he will not hear them: tell the church. And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican. 18 Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed also in heaven

(Mt 18)

The unique authority of Peter is, of course, evident in several gospel episodes beside the renaming; he is promised the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and the power to bind and loose is first given him; Christ promises to pray for him personally at the Last Supper so that he, Peter, may not fail and convert his brethren; Peter is charged with feeding Christ's sheep; Peter converts the first Gentile and it is his vision that makes a clean break with the Jewish ceremonial and dietetic law.

But what about the renaming episode? You acknowledge that the actual conversation takes place in Aramaic and is not recorded at all, so we are dealing with the limitations of the Greek translation. The patristic Greek has only feminine for "rock", "petra"; the diminutive "petros" is not recorded in the Koine Greek. So, St. Matthew had to fit the feminine "petra" into the masculine name, so he writes "petros". Naturally, the pronouns have to agree with the word they point to and the grammar of the phrase (like in any language), so since Jesus is talking to Peter about a rock (and not to a rock about Peter), the pronouns are "thou" (soi) and "this" (taute te).

This is really a first, rejecting the scripture for being too grammatical, then calling the normative interpretation "ungrammatical - take a cigar.

316 posted on 03/25/2008 4:24:31 PM PDT by annalex (
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To: dan1123
Why even bother arguing if you don't trust yourself to interpret the Bible?

Because the Bible is not the sum of my relationship to Jesus Christ.

317 posted on 03/25/2008 4:25:38 PM PDT by papertyger (changing words quickly metastasizes into changing facts -- Ann Coulter)
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To: dan1123

The distinction “Roman” came later. Christ founded the Catholic Church. Luther didn’t tear that part out of your Bible, did he?

318 posted on 03/25/2008 4:26:16 PM PDT by Petronski (Nice job, Hillary. Now go home and get your shine box.)
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To: annalex
You acknowledge that the actual conversation takes place in Aramaic and is not recorded at all, so we are dealing with the limitations of the Greek translation.

That's more convenient than sliced bread.

319 posted on 03/25/2008 4:28:17 PM PDT by Petronski (Nice job, Hillary. Now go home and get your shine box.)
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To: dan1123
Are you saying there is no chance of deception now that the New Testament has been canonized?

Not the same deceptions possible before it was codified.

320 posted on 03/25/2008 4:30:14 PM PDT by papertyger (changing words quickly metastasizes into changing facts -- Ann Coulter)
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