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1 posted on 03/16/2008 3:25:07 AM PDT by carolgr
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To: carolgr
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Washington DC vs. God
Organizations such as American Family Association and provide information on candidates' positions on abortion, homosexual marriage, et al. This coming election is crucial for Christians and other values-driven voters.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Michael Westfall

America, the once Christian-principled light of the world, is losing its prominence because of its appalling top political leadership, who are failing the Bible test.

The outlook for a return to our once enviable thriving society, with godly traditional values, shows few signs of reoccurring. Many of these politicians are leading the nation further down the seedy and slippery slope to immorality and economic failure.

In the big picture, Americans have been overtaxed, seen their nation’s prosperity wasted away and witnessed the middle class employment opportunities of our next generation of workers shipped off shore due to these politicians’ pacts and deals. Some of the nations they have relinquished our jobs to despise us and have godless ideologies.

At a terrible cost to American workers in places like the cities of Flint, Lansing, Detroit, Saginaw in Michigan and countless other manufacturing communities dotted across America, our politicians’ foreign cooperative chump deals have empowered competing nations with a new and undeserved prominence at American workers’ expense.

As America staggers backwards, these competitors are replacing our world eminence by becoming the new world order.

Most importantly, America’s political leaders have ignored or redefined for political purposes the strong Christian values that America is based upon. These politicians spend an inordinate amount of time and expense running for office.

Many are career politicians who profess to be pro-family Christians at election time as they cater to Washington’s multi-national lobbyists and support immoral, ungodly and anti-family issues like abortion and homosexuality.

Under the very noses of our politicians, pornography in every form has seeped into our culture. Our nation has become an open cesspool for perversion. It is in the movies, on the radio and comes into our homes through televisions and computers.

Each day our children are being confronted with profane rubbish they should never see, because of the moral failures of our blindsided political leaders. They are supposed to be our watchdogs, but instead they fail the Bible test.

We have all heard the presidential candidates debate the central issues ranging from the Iraq War, the economy, immigration, Homeland Security, universal health care, education and energy.

We have also heard them explain in a very careful way their positions on faith and the moral issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.

Voters must take a closer look at the rhetoric, stands and career records of the candidates relative to faith and especially observe the candidates’ positions on such pinnacle faith issues.

Considering and comparing their talk with their walk will go a long way in understanding their truthfulness, and if they would truly be the president that Christians would want leading our nation going forward.


All life belongs to God including the unborn. Scripture describes the fetus in the womb as a person.

God’s word speaks in depth on abortion including in Jeremiah 1:5 which says that "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I set you apart."

Abortion is the gruesome practice of murdering our nation’s most defenseless unborn citizens. It is leaving a growing bloodstain on our nation.

Abortionists are not paid to deliver a living-breathing infant, but rather to terminate the life of an innocent pre-born child. They are allowed to do this in America by law.

These pre-born aborted Americans are torn limb from limb, burned beyond recognition with painful saline solutions and then ground up in garbage disposals like a piece of waste. This is insane and barbaric; yet, our liberal politicians actively support it.

These politicians have usurped the power of life and death of America’s unborn. They don’t have that right. Only God has that right.

The 50 million plus pre-born American children ghoulishly dismembered by the abortionists’ tools had the DNA for their own eye color, hair color, body shape and all the other human characteristics, just as the candidates running for president had when they were being safely kept and nurtured within their mothers as pre-born children. There is no difference.

What abortionists fail to tell would-be mothers is that if they were to look into the face of their pre-born children before their abortion destruction, they would see a human face. They could also see a beating heart.

For years now we have had ultra-sound, which can do that very thing, so there is no excuse. Abortion truly is politics gone awry.

Homosexual Agenda

Same-sex marriage, civil unions and special rights for practicing homosexuals is yet another arena where these politicians have gone totally astray. American decency is being ripped apart in a cultural war.

This conflict has been designed and orchestrated against America’s families by the homosexual agenda that is marching in lockstep to legislate out of existence the very definition of Christian morality that denounces it.

Homosexual opportunists, with their politically correct political associates in Washington D.C., are working feverishly to redefine the very definition of family itself.

Gary Glenn, President of the American Family Association of Michigan, is a national leader in challenging the homosexual agenda. Glenn says that the “Homosexual activists’ agenda is not just another political issue: it’s an issue that poses a severe threat to both your family’s religious freedom and to public health.”

Traditional one man-one woman marriage is not a civil right; it is a God ordained right and is the foundation of American society. The homosexual agenda wants to legally force America to consider their liaisons of practicing homosexuals as “families”, so as to capitalize on the same financial and social benefits afforded to “real” families.

Politically correct career politicians have overstepped their limits of office and have no right to legislate a godless perverted morality, which violates religious and cultural tradition.

When politicians openly supported and voted against a constitutional ban on same sex-marriage, they voted against God’s word.

Those who chose to engage in the practice of homosexuality are working vigorously to revamp the workplace, change government policies, legally force our population to give respectability to their anti-biblical behavior and coerce sympathetic politicians to develop new special laws exclusively to promote and protect their disgusting chosen lifestyle.

These homosexuals, transgender, lesbians, gays and bisexuals are not husbands, they are not wives and they are not a Biblical family. Nothing could be further from the truth. That is why the Bible, that forbids their behavior, is such a problem for them.

Bible scripture is clear when it calls the practice of homosexuality an abomination and shameful as explained in Romans 1:26-27, Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13.

Voting guides

The American Family Association put together a non-partisan AFA Voting Guide in January of 2008 scoring the candidates on a wide variety of issues. The Democrats came out on the wrong side of every issue.

The AFA guide shows that between McCain, Clinton and Obama only McCain supports the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The guide also shows that while only McCain refuses to support Gay Pride celebrations that he, Clinton and Obama all refused to support a Federal Marriage Amendment.

The guide shows that only McCain opposes the so-called Moral Education Curriculum, promoting homosexuality, and that Clinton and Obama do not oppose this curriculum that promotes homosexuality.

God, (G.V.O.), also has a non-partisan and non-denominational Christian ranking guide. Obama, McCain and Clinton have all refused to respond to G.V.O's invitation to share their Christian faith testimonies.

According to G.V.O., Clinton attends the liberal Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington DC which introduces itself with an invitational statement of inclusion directed at gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender, which is clearly a direct contradiction to the Bible.

G.V.O. calls Democrat Hillary Clinton a woman who promotes an unbiblical socio-ethical agenda, as evidenced by her pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage positions.

Hillary Clinton’s voting record is abysmal on moral issues. She has voted the liberal line in every instance. She voted yes on expanding research to embryonic stem cell lines, while voting no on notifying parents of minors who get out of state abortions.

She has voted no on criminal penalty for harming fetuses during other crime and voted no on banning partial birth abortions. She has supported same-sex civil unions with full equality of benefits and voted for same-sex marriage. She says soldiers only need to shoot straight, not be straight.

They rate her candidacy for president at a “C-“.

Barack Obama's voting record is equally abysmal on moral issues. He voted against banning partial birth abortion, supports Roe v. Wade and says he will work to maintain the availability of abortion. He promotes embryonic stem cell research and voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out of state abortions.

He wants to disentangle gay rights from the word marriage, says the gay rights movement is somewhat like the civil rights movement and supports health benefits for gay civil partners.

While Obama says he opposes gay marriage, he supports gay civil partners with gay equality, and he supports including sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws.

G.V.O. states that Obama’s father was a Muslim turned atheist before he died, and his mother remarried a Muslim. Obama says he was raised in a household with ancestral roots running from Islam to Baptist and grew up a skeptic, but eventually found religion.

Conservatives have questioned his ties to the controversial Afro-centric Church he belongs to that introduces itself as “a congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA”.

G.V.O. says Obama is young, inexperienced and having only been in the Senate for a short time hasn’t proven himself, and the nation can ill afford his inexperience.
G.V.O. rates Obama’s candidacy for president a “D”.

While conservative Christians are far from being totally satisfied with any of the candidates and would like to see stronger unwavering Biblical positions, there are significant party differences on moral issues.

John McCain says that being a Christian is the most important thing he is.

His grandfather was an Episcopalian pastor. McCain was raised and attended school as an Episcopalian, however, he now attends a Southern Baptist Church.

John McCain is pro-life and supports repealing Roe v. Wade. To his credit, he voted yes on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life, voted yes on notifying parents of minors who get out of state abortions, voted yes on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetuses during other crimes and voted yes on banning human cloning.

McCain supports federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

McCain believes marriage should be limited to a man and a woman and believes each state should regulate marriage laws. He supports the banning of abortion except to save the mother’s life or in cases of rape or incest.

G.V.O. rates John McCain’s candidacy for president a "C".

America’s top consumer advocate, Ralph Nader, is another presidential candidate. Nader has sterling credentials in his life’s work and is head and shoulders above everyone else in his chosen vocation of protecting America’s consumers.

However, while Ralph deserves accolades for his consumer protection work, like the Democratic candidates, he fails the Bible test by a broad margin.

In running as an independent, Nader believes it should be up to a woman, if she wants an abortion. He supports gay marriage, equal gay rights and civil unions.


For too long, quiescent Christians have been lied to and been fleeced of their vote by phony pious politicians who used their elected powers to go directly against God’s word. The writing is on the wall, and these candidates are cunningly and blatantly telling America what their intensions are.

What must God think of our nation, when these presidential candidates unashamedly contribute to the nation’s moral break down, sustain the continued slaughter of our unborn and sponsor the homosexual agenda with its anti-family lifestyle and sacrilegious redefinition of God’s one-man, one-woman marriage?

Clearly, we have opportunistic faith pandering politicians behaving like little gods who thumb their noses at the very deity they profess to be their creator. America has profound problems and can ill afford phony hucksters and political snake charmers using religiosity and the name of Jesus in the same manner that advertisers use their ruse to sell their products.

Without principle, without values, without Biblical morality and, most importantly, without a true belief in God, the shining beam in America’s Statue of Liberty is going to go out, and our nation will continue going backwards never to return to its greatness.

Think about your vote, consider the records of the candidates running and compare their record with their rhetoric. Demand morally strong leaders. If they say they want to continue the murder of America’s unborn, and if they have a record of being boot lickers and supporters to special interest pressure groups like the homosexual agenda, then they simply don’t pass the Bible test. It is your responsibility to fire them.

Ultimately they cannot do their damage if they are not elected, and they cannot get elected if you don’t vote for them.

God is watching this election.

Mike Westfall is a former union official and autoworker. Click here to see his website.

2 posted on 03/16/2008 2:16:46 PM PDT by markomalley (Extra ecclesiam nulla salus)
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