Seems to me the best option is for some private foundation to set up halfway houses for these kids to get them some decent education and/or vocational and social training that will allow them to assimilate into the larger society.
However, if we look at this in a non-specific context, this is happening all over the world with young men being kicked aside by older men, whether it’s in China or India with their diminished female populations, with polygamous men in Muslim countries, even with viagra-hopped men in the First World seeking to extend their youth, or affirmative action programs that favor young women or young men. Young men are getting the short end of the straw everytime and it’s no wonder there is such an increase of the “rogue elephant” mentality.
Meant to say affirmative action programs that favor young women OVER young men.
I understand your point for the presently affected children. However, when will the states begin to enforce the laws in effect? If the practice of polygamy is not ended, this will continue to be an ongoing problem.
As to your point of this happening in the rest of the world, how many of the cases you cite are flouting existing law?