Well, then we will just have to disagree here...as we are free to do....if someone can come on here, and proclaim that they know for a surety, that every single thing that they believe, from the Bible, is true to the point of being infallible, and completely without error, I will be stunned...for we are all human, prone to error, and capable of making mistakes...unless of course, someone wishes to say that they are perfect, and makes no mistakes ever, no mistakes whatsoever...I believe that no one here is foolish enough to make such a claim....therefore, short of that claim, everyone here, can read the Bible, and make a mistake as to what it means...
Mom, some of my best friends have been members of the Mormon belief. I do not judge them or you or anyone. I am just posting (as did nicmarlo) that what the Bible says we believe is inspired by God.
I had a friend who studied Hebrew and Greek, so she could translate original scripture word for word, and therefor satisfy herself that no changes had occurred with the passage of years.
She only found two very small changes - one was the word ‘and’ to ‘also’ and I don’t remember the other one. She spent nearly her entire adult life in this study.
God speaks to us individually through His Word. But, He never tells us to change HIS word - ever.
Please try to understand that Christians are Guardians of His Word, and in our hearts, cannot accept that Word being added to, or changed less than 200 years ago.