“The problem now seems to be there hasn’t been much effort TO handle the problem, instead much turning a blind eye.”
I believe there have been efforts but it is hampered by the border problem I mentioned earlier and the lack of witnesses, probably. What would you have them do? Something along the lines of what Janet Reno did to Koresh at Waco? What the ATF did to Randy Weaver in Idaho? These people run their towns like fortresses out in the middle of the desert. They scamper across borders. They go into hiding. Would you have the state dissolve the communities? Take all the children away? In the secretive nature of the communities would you know whom to arrest and whom to let go?
It is a definite law enforcement challenge and one that can’t be solved easily, unless you are Janet Reno.
Cut off the welfare payments, freeze the assets. I’m sure if there were true INTENT there would be solutions. I doubt there is true intent at present, and no, I don’t mean the Janet Reno solution. BTW, that was the Bill Clinton solution IMO. Side Note...I was living in Waco at the time.