A primer on the Holy Eucharist and how, according to the Bible, the host and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ.But I thought the Bible was full of errors and contradictions, NYer. After all, it says the universe was created in six days less than six thousand years ago. For that matter, so did your church fathers, though I notice you choose to reject them on this. So why not reject their teaching on the "eucharist" as well?
Mmm...I don't think the Fathers are as uniform on that score. Augustine took a startingly allegorical approach with the 6 days. And he was willing to go as high as (if I remember correctly 10000 years)--though above that he thought people were just being silly. I believe other commentators favored a looser interpretation of the "yom" as well.
As the Fathers are minim, it's neither here nor there to you, but at least I want to minimize any internal inconsistency that you are seeing. :)