Um... As I recall Deitrich BonHoeffer was Lutheran. You might consider more carefully when slinging terms like that about.
BTW Lutherans don’t hate Jews, and Paul himself wrote pretty harshly about them because of their legalism. They are as unsaved, according to the new testament, as any other unbeliever in Messiah.
Hitler was very involved in the occult. Something Protestant Lutherans don’t get involved in. If, for example, I define myself as a golfer but the extent of my golfing is a Arnie Palmer at the club, it would be absurd for anyone to call me define me as a golfer.
Dietrich Bonhoffer, a Lutherhan pastor who died at the express order of Hitler, would contest characterizing Hitler as a Protestant Christian.
How sanctimonious. People always bring up the "jew-killing Nazis Lutherans" yet here we live in a country where unborn babies are killed everyday while 85% of us "believe in God" and 50% calls ourselves "born again". If one were to take some honest statistics, we've probably executed far more unborn than Hitler could ever conceived of the Jews. And I won't even go into pulling feeding tubes to starve people who can't feed themselves.
As for Stalin, do you think you're actually free to speak your mind? Do you think you can go to work and say exactly what you feel with no repercussions? You may wish to talk to Don Imus. We live in a country where if people just happen to mention the word "lynching" in the same sentence with a black person, many start calling for their firing.
I don't know you personally, but if you're like just about every other American you probably keep your mouth shut and do your work. You may speak up in the privacy of your home as long as there are people of like mind around you. Heck, you may even march with a large group for right to life occasionally; just so long as the abortionists don't photograph or identify you. Or you may get on a blog and complain like I'm doing, just so long as you remain anonymous. And on the 4th of July we wave the flag saying this is the best country on earth. (Which, unfortunately, is probably true.)
Governments don't do what we always want them to do but God has appointed them. Paul lived under one of the most oppressive regimes-the Roman empire. But even Paul understood that God had created the situation and Christians need to be submissive to it, regardless of how reprehensible it may seem to be. Certainly nobody here would advocate blowing up an abortion clinic (I hope). How can we criticize German citizens for not fighting their government?
The apostles didn't attempt to change political structures. Instead they simply preach the gospel knowing that God would change the heart. The only time that they got into legal trouble was went their right to preach the true gospel was taken away. Do you feel that you can put tracks out for your co-workers or put the Ten Commandments up in your office space? Have you complained? Well, neither have I to my shame.
I wouldn't be so quick to judge Christians living in one environment until you do an honest appraisal of our own environment.